Back off.

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There we were in front of a front door, ringing the bell all giggly and happy and in few seconds we hear a voice on the other side of the door "they're here!" Finn and I looked over at each other and chuckled
Me: we are not that late...right!
Finn just shook his shoulders making me move up a little ( yes I was still on his back)) and we both laughed.
Finn: I see your pretty comfy
But he was stopped by the door being open.
Casper:Hey guys you made it!!...wha?
He looked over Finns shoulder .
Me:long story...
Finn and I smiled.
Casper:well come on in!
Finn walked in and I hoped of his back.
I leaned over to his ear and whispered "thank you" and kissed him on a cheek before pulling away.Finn touched my waist and I looked over at him he sat at the edge of a chair's handles and he gave me one of his cheeky smiles and pulled my face closer to his , our lips touched and then we heard it " awwwwww" we both looked behind me and saw Zoe with Tanya standing there with their hands on their cheeks.
Tanya: oh no go on guys
They both giggled and I turned back to finn who was....blushing?
Finn: yea?
Me:are you..? Blushing
I laughed and he just looked at the ground now three of us were awing, I pulled Finns face by his chin and quickly kissed him before I quickly walked over to Zoe and Tanya and as we were about to walk off I looked back at finn once more he was just sitting there looking over and smiling at me he moved his lips and I red "have fun come back soon". I waved goodbye and said "okay you too". And all three of us walked off to the kitchen .
Zoe: what's a party with no alcohol.
She handed me some alcohol mixed with cola.
Me: thank you m'lady!
We laughed,they looked and sounded a bit..loos. When we all got a drink we walked back to the living room where I saw Casper and Joe playing video games and other cheering for whoever they wanted to win. Joe waved at me and I do the same. As I looked around the room for finn I spotted him with Jack and some other friends of his he looked over and saw me staring he raised his glass "cheers" and I raised mine "cheers" we both smiled and returned talking to our friends.
Zoe: you guys are adorable! You know when u guys are gonna tell subs?
Me: no,no idea actually,I kinda like it like this no drama..but we will once the time is right.
Tanya;yeah that sounds about right!
And then all that girly talk started.

Finn's POV
"Cheers" we both smiled and returned talking to our friends, but really I don't want to talk to matter how much I missed Olie (and I should really introduce him to Amber) I wanted to just go over to Amber and talk to her instead, and then i hear a loud laughter " Amber" I think as I turn around once more and see her with Tanya Zoe and Luke . I smile but something doesn't feel right, maybe it's the fact that another guy makes her laugh...

Ambers POV
So this guy Luke comes over to us and start making silly jokes making all of us laugh but I feel him staring more often at me and tries to touch my arm or my thigh while he talks, he makes it look friendly but he does it so often it makes me feel uncomfortable.
Me:excuse me for a second guys
I excuse my self and go back to the kitchen I found Naomi and pulled her off the dance floor.
Naomi: oh heyyy!!!
She hugged me.
Me: so there is this guy...
Naomi:wait what?!?! Aren't you with finn?!
Me:I don't mean it in a good way!
Naomi: point!!!what did he do!!

Finn's POV
I see this Luke guy touching ambers arm and after she goes off to the dance floor, something isn't right...and then I see Amber talking to Naomi and pointing at him they both look serious. What's wrong? Then I see Luke waving to Amber to come back and she waves back but doesn't go...he gets up and goes towards Naomi and Amber. They both look at each other and back at him.

Ambers POV
Oh no he is going this way...what do we do...he comes over and starts talking to us.
Luke: can I get you a drink?
Naomi and I look at each other
Me: no I umm good thank you.
Luke: c'mon babe...
He touched my waist and I step back making his hand slip away from me.

Finn's POV
Wth?!? Why is he!?
Me:one second guys I want some more of this drink.
I rush over to Amber.

Ambers POV
Oh god stop! Go away...where is Finn.
I saw Finn walking behind Luke so I rushed to him but Luke grabbed my arm.
Luke: it's not polite to walk off like that.
I pull on my arm.
Me: let go of me!
And then I see Finn's hand on top of his.
Finn: you should listen to what she is saying mate.back off
Luke:and who are you?
Luke let goes of my arm and Finn intertwined our hands as I stood behind him.
Finn: is everything all right love!
Me:it is now
I squeeze his hand tighter.
Luke: oh you guys are together? I'm sorry I didn't know my bad man! Sorry
He looked at me and patted Finn's shoulder and walked off.
Finn: you okay?
Me:yeah thanks.
Finn:who does he think he is...
He looks over me at him walking off with anger.
Me:it's okay Finn he is gone now.
I rubbed his arm.
Finn: Hopefully he won't be back, thanks Naomi but can I steal her for few minutes.
Naomi: sure have fun guys.
Very confused I follow Finn as he pulls on my hand to follow him.
Finn;I want you to meet my friend.Oli.
Me; is that the friend that you were taking about!
Finn:yup! Here Oli! Meet Amber,Amber meet Oli.
Oli:hello Amber heard lots about you it's nice finally meeting you.
Me:thank you same here, and what did you hear about me?
Oli:oh don't work only good stuff!
We all laugh . As few minutes later as the conversation becomes more loos and open I poor my self another drink and two more for Oli and Finn.
Finn: good thing none of us is driving.
We all talked for few more minutes and Oli got a call.
Oli: I'm sorry guys gotta take this!
Finn: take your time!
As I lay down on the kitchen counter and stretch Finn comes in between my legs and lays down his head on my chest I run my fingers through his hair and he softly kisses my collar bone.
Me: I'm so tired...
I closed my eyes.
Finn: me too, well at least you didn't run around with a person on your back.
Me:hey you said you don't mind
We laughed
Finn: I don't.
I pulled Finn by his hair closer to my face.
Me: liar.
He bit his lip, he looked hot with his hair messy a bit drunk and biting his lip.
Finn: and what if I say I do.
Me: then it's the truth but I don't want to hear it.
He chuckled and moved closer to my lips I was slowly moving back making him slowly move towards me , he laughs.
Finn: are you trying to do what I think your doing!
Me:is it working
He smiled and I giggled.
Finn: it's not really.
Me: oh really...okay then.
I moved my face away and turned my whole body around until my legs were hanging from the opposite side of the counter. Finn pulled me by my shoulders down on the counter and slowly leaned down to kiss me but I moved my face so he kissed my cheek.
Finn: you are not you should just give up and let me kiss you.
Me: because that's what you want.
Finn: don't you?
Our lips brushing against each other but neither of us starts the kiss.
Me: c'mon I know you want to Finn.
So he pressed his lips against mine and we started kissing upside down (like spider man😍)...each second it gets more passionate and intense. I moved my hands and started messing with his hair while he moved his on my stomach.
:Hey Hey WOW guys Wow!!
A familiar voice walks in the kitchen. We both stop and look at the person.
"Joe and Oli"
Oli;not in the kitchen...we eat there!
I spin back around.
Finn: third time today!do u guys have any better things to do then interrupt us?
They laugh and I giggle.
Joe: get a room guys!
They laugh.
Me:maybe we will!
I wink and everyone laughs.
Joe: we are starting a new game and we need 6 players no one else want to play you guys in?
Me:sounds boring...why did no one else join?
Joe: they suck that's why.
Finn: nah I think we should head home.
Joe: aren't you guys staying
He looked at both of us
Joe:yeah there is this "sleepover" for everyone who came that's why there is so much mattress in the basement.
Finn:oh well we could stay then but Idk I'm really tired do you want to play?
Finn looks at me and pecks on my lip
Me: sorry Joe maybe some other time!
So we went down to the basement some people were already passed out on the floor...some didn't even make it to the mattress 😂 poor Casper, we pushed two mattresses together and fell a sleep in each others arms "goodnight".

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