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"1. One in ten people will be effected by a mental disorder. It's more common than you think. And quieter.

2. There are more anxiety disorders than just OCD.

3. The National Suicide Hotline is 1-800-273-8255. Learn it.

4. Anxiety will make you feel like the world is suffocating you. It's not. Just keep breathing.

5. There is a thing called panic attacks. Most people will have one or two in a lifetime.

6. People with anxiety disorders have panic attacks a lot more often than that.

7. Panic attacks make you feel scared of everything, unable to breathe, and feel disconnected with reality. Those are normal symptoms. Just breathe. You can make it through.

8. Some days it'll be hard to think and hard to function. It's ok if you take those days off.

9. The National Suicide Hotline is 1-800-273-8255. Memorize it.

10. Depression is not just sadness, it's numbness.

11. Depression hurts. It's not just being lazy, it hurts to move.

12. Depression is self-isolating. You will feel like the world hates you. It doesn't.

13. Keep eating. It might be hard, but keep trying.

14. The National Suicide Hotline is 1-800-273-8255. Know it.

15. Self harm is addicting. More than any drug. It only takes once.

16. After that once you will never look at a knife or razor the same way again.

17. Relapse is a natural part of recovery. It does not make you bad and it does not make you weak.

18. When you relapse, bandage your wounds, calm yourself down, and move on.

19. One in twelve teenagers will attempt suicide every year. One in six will make plans and one in five will think about it. You're not the only one.

20. Sometimes you just need to put yourself first and that's alright.

21. The National Suicide Hotline is 1-800-273-8255. And it's okay if you need to call it."

Things I Wished They Told Me in Health Class

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