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The stadium was packed with students, their voices cheering for each of the four champions. A dragon in the middle stood guard over a golden egg. Shaylah pulled her robes tighter around her. "Who do you think is going to get eaten?" Nate shouted over the noise.

She shoved her shoulder into his. "That's not funny."

He ignored her. "My bet is Potter."

A whistle blew and Cedric Diggory emerged from the tent to face his dragon. The entirety of the sea of yellow stood to cheer on their fellow Hufflepuff. Cheers erupted from the other students of Hogwarts but it didn't rival that of the Hufflepuffs. Everyone watched with wide eyes as Cedric approached the giant dragon who guarded the egg with its life. The dragon wasted no time in attacking, spitting fire in the direction of where Cedric stood. A collective gasp ran through the crowd. Cedric rolled and quickly transfigured a boulder into a dog. The dog immediately took the attention of the dragon, giving Cedric the opportunity he needed to grab the egg. A blast of screaming shook the stands.

Next came Fleur Delacour, the Welsh Green dragon she was to face stood proudly over its egg. Fleur stood as if paralyzed with fear, but only for a moment. She skittered to one side but the dragon followed, its eyes not allowing her to hide. Fleur aimed her wand at the dragon but nothing happened. She barely dodged the fire that threatened to engulf her. The sounds from the crowd were a mix of concerned gasps and grateful sighs as she reappeared on the other side of the fire unscathed. Again she aimed her wand at the dragon and its head began to lull. Slowly it came to rest on the dragon's own tail, a deep snore erupted from its throat lighting Fleur's on fire as she retrieved the egg. The flame was quickly doused and another round of heavy cheers shook the stands.

Viktor Krum emerged from the tent next. His confidence unwaning as he approached his dragon. His was the smallest so far but still a fierce specimen. Shaylah's eyes were pulled from the spectacle at hand when she felt another pair of eyes burning into her cheek. Her eyes traced the crowd and at the end of the green sea that surrounded her, sat Severus. His eyes were not on the dragon or its challenger but on her. Nate brushed against her, pulling her from the trance Severus had pulled her into. "He blinded it! He blinded it!" Shaylah brought her eyes back to the center where Viktor Krum had collected his egg and held it above his head. A massive cheer threatened to burst her eardrums.

Harry was last and his dragon seemed to be the most fierce. Shaylah could practically feel the boy trembling, even from a distance. The Gryffindors cheered and jumped up and down. Shaylah even shouted his name. She nudged Nate to do the same. Harry dodged the first attack quickly and fumbled to evade the next. Again Shaylah felt the burning in her cheek but she refused to look at him this time. As Harry kept out of the dragon's reach, a loud swish signaled the arrival of his broom, which he quickly mounted and was gone. The dragon followed, flying dangerously close to the crowd in the stands. The two disappeared but could be seen in the distance hovering around the castle. The crowd fell silent, waiting with baited breath. Nate nudged her again and whispered, "I told you it would be Pot-." He swallowed his words as Harry swooped in with the dragon still on his heels and scooped up his egg. The crowd thundered with cheers and applause. Even Shaylah found herself celebrating as she nudged Nate and stuck her tongue out at him.

The crowd began to disperse and make their way to the Great Hall for dinner, everyone was buzzing with the adrenaline from the challenge. Carrie joined Nate and Shayla at the Slytherin table not long after they arrived. "Did you see the way Krum handled that dragon?" she said as she rested her chin on the back of her hands, her eyes lost in a far away dream.

Marsha and Lexi arrived just in time to add how well they thought Krum had handled his dragon and the three discussed how handsome he was while in a deadly situation. Shaylah pushed around the vegetables on her plate as the others continued their conversation. Dumbledore's voice called the hall to attention, he congratulated the champions on completing the task and then confirmed the rumors of the Yule Ball, which would take place the next month. The excitement rippled through the room quickly.

Perhaps Another Time, Severus [A Severus Snape Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now