Chapter 15: Fly Away》

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Chapter 15: Fly Away

Chapter 15: Fly Away》

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JACK STOOD IN FRONT OF ALEX AND THE ALIENS WHEN THEY SEE ALL THE GUNS LOCKED AND LOADED ON THEM, "A brave but empty gesture."  Mister snazzy suit taunted him. The atmosphere

"They're just kids." Jack clearly has reached his limits. Scratch that he's way past his limits.

"I'm giving you one more warning, Bruno," Seth stepped and stood by Jack's side and clasped his hand. His sister did the same and took his other hand. Alex took Seth's hand. Altogether they looked death in the face and showed no fear of evil. "I don't want to do this."

"And neither do we." 

Callously smiling, Burke silently ordered his team to fire.

Bullets flew aimlessly towards the four in slow motion. You would think it would all end in a disaster, a nasty one but oddly it didn't. Instead of the bullets actually hitting them it bounced off them instead like a balloon as if there was some invisible wall.

"Hold your fire!" Burke waved his hands. "Hold your fire!"


The far back wall exploded with wispy electric blue sparks and flames engulfing half of the room forcing people to take cover. 

Jack took a step back when the Siphon did a grand entrance, "Go,go! RUN!" Steering the twins and Alex into the ship.

Once inside Sara and Seth immediately got the ship up and running.  A giant screen lit up showing a map and coordinates.

"Activate the shields." Sara addressed.

"Power at twenty-five and increasing." Seth added.

The adults felt the ship slowly lift up off the ground, accidentally bumping the ceiling and walls, knocking a few things over which was hard to avoid.

"You do know how to fly this thing right?" Jack asked.

"How do you think we got here?" Seth questioned in a 'duh' tone.
"Well, you crashed. Remember?" "Obviously."

"Siphon!" Sara exclaimed.

"Hold on!" Seth warned as he rolled a glowing ball like steering forward and forced the ship to speed up and knocked the siphon out of the way.

"Whoo-hoo! Strike!" Jack cheered, "We got him!"

Flying down the dark tunnel, Alex instructed them to keep following and managed to exit the mountain before the gates trapped them in. Everyone was happy that they made it out alive and in one piece.

"I wish Katriona was here to see this." Sara sadly said.

Seth smiled silently, sad, agreeing she would have enjoyed it.  "Same."

The ship jerked and rumbled Jack and Alex hanged onto to ship to keep from falling.

"What was that?" Alex asked nervously.

"The airlocks jammed," Seth answered, "I need to manually override the system."

Jack volunteered. "You two fly. Just tell me what do."

After Seth told him instructions, Jack took the stairs to the bottom of the ship and began fumbling with the airlock to get it un-jammed. Not knowing that there was another passenger aboard until he found himself tossed around like a rag doll by the Siphon and put into a chokehold. Jack managed to free himself, ripping the helmet off in the process. He got up panting hard and inspected the helmet in his hands. He looked and saw a pink fleshy  thing blowing up like a balloon. Wait....that does not look like no balloon. He watched it turn showing the Siphon's real face. It reminded him of Freddie Kruger if he had a brother without a mouth.

'Oh gosh its hideous.' Jack thought disturbed by the sight wishing he had not touched the helmet.

"JACK!" Seth morphed into the room. The Siphon spun and punched Seth in the stomach which just went through him.

"Hey!" The siphon turned back to Jack, "You know you look much better with your mask on!" Jack admitted then threw a punch which the thing caught with no problem and once again though Jack around like a rag doll opening the airlock system while at it. The ship began flipping around tossing the two all over the place. Jack fell towards the power source. The Siphon jumped down and held Jack up by his neck. Jack crinkled his nose at the unpleasant smell when it breathed in his face. "You need to take a hint and a mint!" The thing tightened his grip and started choking him.

Seth let out a battle cry and smacked it with its own helmet forcing it to release Jack. The helmet fell into the electricity and was instantly destroyed. The Siphon punched Seth in the legs which again went through him.

Jack pulled at its ankle and forced it to lost its balance as it fell towards the electricity until he grabbed onto his arm unwilling to let go. Jack smirked at it and with one hard punch the Siphon fell into the electricity and was killed on impact within seconds.

Seth helped Jack up and closed the airlock.

At last, it was over.

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