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You have reached the end of book 1 of Infinity.

I hope you enjoyed this story and hence the cliff hanger.

I am needing to ask if you want me to continue writing this story and possibly be a sequel? I do have ideas in mins and honestly already had written parts of chapter 1 that its crazy.

Comment or vote if the sequel should happen and if you have any ideas you would like to see in the story.

I also want to apologize again for the editing when I came across this in my files after a long time I got uncomfortable with my writing and decided it needed a makeover. I also changed my Oc Katriona last name to something else due to seeing it overused in a lot of stories and giving me vampire diaries vibe so I wanted something rare and different that I envision.

(No offense TVD fam I love that show and I can't even pick which vampire family I like I'm literally stuck between the Salvatore's and Mikaelson and have most of the songs on my phone which you can apparently tell on two of the chapters.

Same with Harry Potter!)

Infinity 》Race To Witch MountainWhere stories live. Discover now