4 • Wolves

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Cardinal red eyes had been burned into her mind. Every time she blinked she saw him. The sinister smile, the way he moved about them like a predator eyeing its prey. She could hear him chuckle, "what a shame it would be" as he discussed killing them.


And the wolves, god, the wolves. They were huge, so big Josie couldn't understand how they were even real. Their human-like eyes and terrifying snarls. The way they chased the man away and left she and Bella entirely unharmed. As if they were protecting them.


Josie jumped in her seat, head smacking into the roof of Bella's truck. She looked over at her friend, eyes wide with fright. She felt like she was in shock.

"Are you okay?" Bella asks her, struggling to find her words. She had no idea how to approach this with her. She trusted Josie, but it wasn't that simple.

Josie simply sucked in a breath through her teeth and nodded. Physically, sure. She was okay. The girls had torn through the woods like a bat out of hell after the wolves had run off. They hadn't stopped until they were locked inside Bella's truck and on the road to assess themselves. Bella's shins were scraped from tripping on tree roots, while Josie's face held a few scrapes from branches she hadn't pushed aside. But overall, she was okay.

"What the hell was that? That man- and those, those creatures?!"

Bella glances at Josie warily as she drives, the truth dancing on her tongue. She wanted so badly to spill all her dirty secrets, but she didn't know if it would help. She didn't want to lose Josie's friendship by scaring her with stories of vampires.

"Do you remember when I told you my dad was tracking a bear that killed some hikers?" Bella asks, starting with something she knew Josie would understand.

"Oh my god! You think those wolves killed those people?" Josie exclaims as Bella pulls into her father's driveway. She snapped off her seatbelt and turned fully towards her friend, noting just how badly she was shaking.

"I-I don't know. But I have to tell him what we saw. Stay here, I'll be right back and I'll take you home."

Bella didn't go inside long, but it felt like hours as Josie tapped anxiously against the dash. The longer Bella was gone, the more Josie began to piece together what happened. The way the man asked her about Edward, the way Bella knew his name. This man with glowing red eyes, ashy skin, and sharp teeth was something inhuman, and Bella knew.

Josie waited until Bella had pulled into her driveway to question her, unsure of how to ask the questions that swirled through her mind.

"Bella," she starts as she unclicks her seatbelt. The look Bella gave her was wary, like she knew Josie had seen too much. "What the hell was that?"

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