5 • Cullens

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Six days

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Six days. That's how long it had been since all hell had officially broken loose. It had started the moment Josie opened her eyes that morning and found Bella's note.

Gone to La Push. Be home soon.

She assumed Bella had gone to give the pack more information regarding Victoria and her vampire secrets, and went about her morning packing up her things and heading home. She had just gotten to her room and into a change of clothes when her phone chimed with a text from Embry. Bella wasn't with them.

That's when she really began to worry. What would Bella be doing in La Push if she wasn't with Jake? A sinking feeling settled in her gut as she thought about how upset Bella had gotten talking about Edward, and all the particularly worrisome behavior she'd exhibited because of her longing for the boy. Josie feared the worst.

She drove at unsafe speeds to the cliffs, her stomach tying itself into knots. She knew enough about water to know that the wind would make it incredibly unsafe to swim today. Let alone dive right into the deep.

Josie tore down the beach as fast as the murky sand would let her. She was right, the waves were incredibly choppy, slamming the shoreline with an Olympus-like rage. Her eyes scanned the cliffs, working her way up from the lowest ledge. But of course, Bella would opt for the biggest rush, the highest point of danger. Josie's heart dropped as her eyes finally locked on Bella's small frame on the highest peak, even from her view so far below she could tell that Bella was scared.

"BELLA!" She shrieks, cupping her hands around her mouth, willing her voice to be as loud as possible. "Bella stop!"

But it was futile, from so high up and through the loud crash of waves and wind, she wouldn't hear her. But someone else did.

"Josie!" He calls from the tree line, her head whipping around to find him.

"Jake!" She cries, a small sense of relief filling her as the boy came bounding down to her. "Jake she's gonna jump!"

He followed her finger up to the cliff edge, eyes widening as he found Bella teetering on the edge.

"Oh god," he gasps and starts to run for the water.

"Jake what are you doing?! Bella no!" Josie couldn't help the scream that escaped her as she watched Bella run and throw herself off the edge.

She seemed to fall forever until finally she hit the water, being engulfed by the waves. Josie waited with gritted teeth as Jake dove down again and again, searching for their friend. They couldn't handle losing someone else. Josie couldn't handle losing someone else. When Jacob finally emerged, Bella's limp body draped over his arms, Josie felt herself snap out of her frozen state. She rushed forward, ignoring the water that splashed her legs and torso, to help him lower her down on the sand

"I don't think she's breathing- she's not breathing Josie!" Jake panics as he fusses over her.

It had been a few years since her CPR training, but Josie didn't hesitate to hop on top of Bella's cold frame and start the chest compressions. She knew that if she could get enough air into her lungs her body would reject the water she'd inhaled. Jake watched helplessly, staring at the blue hue in Bella's lips as Josie moved from compressions to huffing as much air into Bella's lungs as she could.

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