46. The Firework Fiasco of Hogwarts, 1995

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◄✩༄*∗"Love Potions are, as always, illegal

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◄✩༄*∗"Love Potions are, as always, illegal."∗*༄✩►

◄✩༄*∗ I'm having such a good time

I'm having a ball

(Don't stop me now)

If you wanna have a good time

Just give me a call

(Don't stop me now)

'Cause I'm having a good time

(Don't stop me now)

Yes, I'm havin' a good time

I don't want to stop at all, yeah ∗*༄✩►

— Don't Stop Me Now | Queen

【 ✧ ☾⋆☼⋆☽ ✧ 】

MARCH BLURRED INTO APRIL, and the O.W.L.s were drawing even nearer, as the teachers and Hermione persisted in reminding them. All the fifth years were suffering from stress to some degree, but Hannah Abbott became the first to receive a Calming Draught from Madam Pomfrey after she burst into tears during Herbology and sobbed that she was too stupid to take exams and wanted to leave school now.

Quidditch had become increasingly more stressful as the team worked to recover from their loss against Hufflepuff. In her solo training, Ron had joined Y/N to practice Keeping whenever she took a break against Seeking, playing as a Chaser once more to help him. Their trainings, however, were either very early in the morning when nobody was awake yet, or very late at night, past curfew. Either way, they were sneaking onto the pitch just to practice.

"D'you think it's fair of us to train while everyone sleeps?" Ron asked after one intense training at two in the morning.

Y/N scoffed, her Nimbus slung over her shoulder.

"It's their decision whether they want to push themselves to oblivion or not," she said as they trudged through the grounds after a fresh rain. "We're simply taking an opportunity to improve that nobody else dares to. 'S why we're Gryffindors, we're brave enough to better ourselves for the greater good."

"The greater good?" Ron snorted, slinging a sweaty arm around her shoulders. "Winning the Quidditch Cup is for the greater good?"

"Yes! You should know that, Weasley! Also for my happiness of seeing Cho's face fall as I snatch the Snitch right from under her, deeming me as the better—"

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