~Chapter One~ "Elon Mustache"

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P.s. These chapters were made before i got some better ideas about the story I wanted to go with, so if you read the description and read this and go "wait i thought fazbear entertainment didn't exist?" WORK WITH ME AND DONT QUESTION IT, LIKE PRETEND ITS AN AI COMPANY PLEASE LOL

Jeremys POV

Today I was supposed to hang out with Scott, Aka my BFF, buttttt.... There was kinda a meeting/convention for all the stock holders and treasures of the Fazbear Entertainment company, and because he invested into the company about 2 years ago he had to be there. Scott just left because he came over to help me pick an outfit, soooo im kinda just staring at a wall trying to figure out what to do with my life. Suddenly an idea pops in my head, what if I try to sneak in there and just avoid all the business-y stuff? That wouldn't work though- im obviously not on the entry list... I think for a second, pondering ideas that might work when I know exactly what to do.

Basically, a few days ago Scott told me about this one guy, I think his name was Elon Mustache and he was like 25 but he was one of the richest shareholders of the company. News hasen't gotten out yet and the only reason Scott knows is because he is like really good friends with Elons brother, so they probably would still have him on the list. If it comes down to it I could allways just pretend im a butler I guess. The only problem is that I didn't have a suit.... SORRY DAD!

I walk in my parents room and immediately start flipping through their closet to find some fancy attire, but god damn this mans sense of style is horrible. I finally find something that isn't TERRIBLY bad and decide to stick with it. Only thing is that I have no idea what this man looks like, and i could try to look it up but my phones dead 😅..... Yeah I may have spent my whole night reading RomComs and scrolling TikTok, and I may have already lost my charger prior...

I decided to just wing it and trust his last name, I found a fake mustache in my box of miscellaneous items and put it on along with a tie and some black flats, dont ask where I got them from. I took one last look in the mirror and to be honest I look pretty good so I head out the door and steal my mothers car (My parents are at some fancy dinner party and one of their friends picked them up). Turns out my mom has a spare charger in her glove box so I plugged my phone in and waited a bit so I could check scotts location. Turns out its just located at *******, so I got there pretty quickly. There wasn't that long of a line of people since I got there pretty late, but I was very anxious they would see through my mustache.

I got out of my moms car and walked up to the line, my shoes making a clicking noise because the only shoes I could find that looked like flats where my moms tap dance shoes. The anxiety rushing through my whole body blurred every moment up until I get asked my name, I swear I almost had a panic attack. I clear my throat and awnser in the voice I imitate when I try not to sound like a twink

"Elon Mustache"

The guy looks at me up and down and I freeze, then he marks something on his clip board.

"Alright go right in Mr. M, its nice seeing you since you haven't been around recently."

Internally I sigh of relief, Pleasently suprised that the disguise worked.

I walk in and immediately look for scott, I spot him in the right wing of the room leaning on a pillar next to the refreshmant table. For some reason he chose to wear a bright red suit but I didn't say anything, anyways I walked over to him and smacked his phone out of his face. I smile at him and ignore the fact that I probably just broke his phone,

"MISTER MUSTACHE, I THOUGHT YOU DIED!" he says in a hush-hush but bold voice.

I look at him with a uninpressed expression as my smile fades away, shaking my head

"You idiot" I respond bluntly.


I just stare at him in confusion, wondering how a man this obliviant and idiotic could be a millionare.

Just as I was about to grab some tea from the refreshmant table, somebody bumps into me. Knocking me over and making my mustache fall off, even though it wasn't the best of quality anyway.

"Oh my lord, im so sorry sir- I wasn't watching where I was going an-"

I cut him off and turn around meeting his eyes

"It's Fine don't worry about it"

I trail off at the end a bit as I stare deep into his light blue eyes, allmost getting lost in a trance. His wavy black hair and tall figure made him look.. very handsome actually..

After about a minute of prolonged eye contact somebodys overprotective wife points and yells

"Hey that isn't Elon Mustache, Thats some gay twink trying to flirt with William Aftons son!!"

At that moment I wanted to yell back IM NOT GAY!? in the most defensive way possible, but then something hit me. William Afton was the founder of Fazbear Entertainment... And the one responsible for the uprise of Artificial Intelligence... AND SOMEBODY JUST SAID I WAS FLIRTING WITH HIS SON!? I mean his son was kindaaa cute a- NO! JEREMY WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?? YOUR NOT GAY!

I got snapped out of my train of thoughts when scott grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the building, his face a pale red in frustration and embarrassment. I got scolded for the next 15 minutes in the parking lot about the scene I caused, and how

"Now everybody that has something important to do with the company knows about you, and IM LINKED TO YOU NOW JEREMY!!"

But if im being honest I literally only heard like 5 words because the whole time the only thought going through my head was questions about the man who bumped into me and my sexuality.

End of Chapter 1!

1036 words not including this

Little thank you for anybody who read this, mostly because this is the first thing I really wrote that anybody could see if they wanted too! Please leave feedback if you could lol, I would love to try and improve my writing skills.

His Sugar (Daddy) -Jeremike-Where stories live. Discover now