~Chapter Two~ "Hey boy, can i get-yo number?"

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Ello! I may or may not be uh... Writing this during school- Mostly because its allmost end of semester (Holiday Break) so we got the choice to do whatever we wanted 🤷.

Mikes POV

After the "Interaction" I had with that... I think I heard Mr. Cawthon call him Jeremy? Not sure if im being honest, but anyway he's all I can think about.. I dont know why though, maybe his piercing bright green eyes, curly blonde hair, bright radiant smile..... Okay I may have a biiiitt of a crush on him 😅.

Wait a second- I could just ask Mr. Cawthon for his number and name, Obviously their friendship is strong if he is scolding him for something, and im pretty sure he even knocked his phone out of his hand- I grab my phone and start flipping through the contacts untill I find one labled "Scott Cawthon", selecting it and tapping the message icon.

You: Hey Mr. Cawthon, I saw who you were with at the Faz-En meeting and wanted to maybe get his number, I just feel bad about bumping into him.

Scott..: Oh, of course Micheal- sorry if its weird calling you that it just feels weird saying "Mr. Afton" and talking about you. Anyways heres Jeremys number,

-Reciever sent contact Info-
*** *** ****

I click on the number nervously, selecting "Message" and and typing a simple sentence apologizing, and maybeee asking to meet up...

You: Hey this is micheal, im the guy who bumped into you yesterday. Anyways I wanted to apologize for that and maybe ask if you wanted to hang out, and before you ask, I got your number from scott.


Jeremys POV

"Jeremy! Mr. Aftons son just texted me asking for your numberrrr!" Scott said in a teasing voice that made me want to slap him.

"S-shut up scott.." I reply in a low, aggravated voice.

"Oooooh~! Does somebody have a cruuuuushhh??"

I choose to ignore his shenanigans as I blush and look away, not wanting to confront any information.

"A- Wait dude do you actually like him? I didn't know you were gay I was just joking around sorry man-"

"Shut up!" I say once again, interrupting him and catching him off guard, even though he knew that was coming for him.

"Damn okay man, anyways im giving him your number if you like it or not."

I pause for a second, stopping myself from yelling at him once again as I remember he only means well. I reach down and grab my phone out of my pocket as I feel it buzz, unlocking it and seeing a text from a unknown number.

*** *...: Hey this is micheal, im the guy who bumped into you yesterday. Anyways I wanted to apologize for that and maybe ask if you wanted to hang out, and before you ask, I got your number from scott.

I change the contact name to "Mike" and begin to reply.

End of chapter Two!

497 words besides this

yeah sorry its not as long as the last one I got a bit lazy 💀.

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