Y/N Has a Fight with Her Friend and Her Favorite Teacher Comforts Her

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tw: anxiety, panic attack, crying, cursing

"You fuck everything up!"
"I'm sorry..."
You turn away, head down, and walk quickly to your favorite teacher's classroom, hoping she hasn't left yet.  You've been crying for five minutes during that fight and hyperventilating for the past three.

Please be there, please be there H/N.

You get to her room and thank God that the light is still on.  The door is open and you peek your head in, thanking God again that she is there.

"H/N- I- just-" you struggle to get out, walking over to her desk.
"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?" she rushes over, seeing the mess of makeup smeared all over your face and the shaky state you're in.
"I- I had a fight- with my friend- and she was yelling at me- in the middle of the hallway-"

She wraps her arms around you, holding you close, stroking your hair.

"Shhhhh shhhhhhh it's okay Y/N/N... it's okay... shhhh," she coos, rubbing circles on your back.
You take a shaky breath and wipe your tears.
"I- I can't breathe-"
"Breathe with me," she says softly, taking your hands and squeezing them gently.
"Look at me.  Just follow my breathing.  You can do this, love."
You nod frantically and do your best to follow along with H/N's breathing.
"Good girl. Good girl. You're doing amazing, my love," she smiles at you, nodding in encouragement.
"This is so embarrassing, I'm sorry, H/N/N..." you shake your head, trying to turn away, but she grabs your arm and stops you. She looks into your eye for a second and sees the pain in your face and pulls you in for a hug.

"Shhhh my sweetheart. I'm right here. I'll always be here for you, okay? Don't be scared to show your emotions around me, alright, baby?" she coos, rubbing your back.
"Okay. Thank you for helping me, babe."
"Of course."

word count: 327

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