H/N Slips Y/N A Note

680 8 1

tw: light wlw smut, wlw fluff, cursing

abbreviations: h/b/n - her boyfriend's name

You're sitting at lunch, staring at your crush, gossiping with your friends about her, when all of a sudden, she gets up.

"She's walking, she's walking," you say to your friends, straightening up and quickly fixing your hair, trying to act as normal as possible.

"Oh my God, she's coming over." You go on your phone, pretending to be scrolling through something.

Instead of stopping at your table like it looked like she was going to do, she tosses a folded-up piece of paper right in front of you and keeps walking, heading out of the cafeteria.

Already panicking, your eyes widen as you open the note with your shaky hands. In all lowercase letters, it says, "meet me in the bathroom at 12:45," and all you can do is continue to panic. It's 12:42. Your biggest crush just asked you to meet her in the bathroom in three minutes. What's gonna happen? You can't help but smirk as your mind wanders to all of the possibilities.

"Oh, my God! What are you gonna do?" one of your friends asks you, freaking out almost just as much as you are.
"I'm going. I have to. This is my chance. What do you think she's gonna say?"
"I think she's gonna tell you how much she loves you and kiss you," another one says, and you giggle.
"Go fuck her," one of them chimes in.
"Stop it! I'm not gonna fuck her," you tease.
"So you're telling me that if she kisses you and lifts up your skirt, you're gonna stop her?"
You reply with a smirk.
"Yeah, that's what I thought."
"Shut up!" you punch them playfully and quickly text one of your friends from dance to update them about H/N.

"Okay. It's 12:45. Omg. I can't believe this is actually happening. Wish me luck, guysss!"
"Have fun!"
"Shut uppp," you smirk and walk to the bathroom as casually as possible. You have to press down with the pen on the sign-in sheet so the monitor doesn't notice your hands are shaking.

When you walk into the bathroom, H/N is waiting for you, pretending to be fixing her hair in the mirror.

"Hey, what did you-"

Before you can even finish your sentence, she grabs you by the shoulders and pushes you into a stall, slamming the door behind her with her foot and locking it swiftly.

word count: 421

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