Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

He's a demon?

Tanjiro pov:

"Tanjiro, since you've injured your ankle I'm sending Nezuko to take the coal out. Please stay inside and try not to walk too much alright?" My mother instructed. Why am I injured? Well, when one goes around lifting heavy items they can't put too much strain on their ankles.

I did, and I'm currently suffering from the pain of an inversion sprain. "Yes ma'am." Was the only thing I could respond with before she went to send Nezuko off. I hoped she'd be safe.

Nezuko pov:
Poor Tanjiro, I know he'll only beat himself up more knowing I'm taking the coal to the village today. I must not dwell on it though, it'll only bring my mood down and effect sales. The trek down this mountain is tricky, I'll have to be careful like mother said. Focusing on the trail ahead distracted me so much, that I'd barely even noticed I reached the village. "Sales should be good today." I thought as I wrapped my haori closer to battle the cold.

I'd finally emptied the entire basket and it was getting dark

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I'd finally emptied the entire basket and it was getting dark. I attempted to jog up the mountain in hopes of getting home fast but still being careful of my step, but before I even got halfway I was stopped by an elderly man.

"Hey, come on and get inside before the demons come!" He yelled at me. Now I remember, this was the kind man whom lost his family. It wouldn't hurt to stay if it eases his worries, I feel bad for him anyway. So, I walked inside whilst responding with a "Thank you sir." And set the basket aside.

He set the extra futon out for me and continued to burn what looked like a purple flower. I had layed down and covered up before asking "can the demons get in the house?" He responded almost immediately "Oh, they can but the smell of this flower should keep them out for a little while." I guess that's the end of that conversation then.

It'll be fine, I'm sure. Tanjiro should be better in a few days too. So I think I'll just get some sleep and head home early tomorrow to explain.

    I'd thanked the kind man before my early departure, but for some odd reason I couldn't shake the nauseating feeling that something horrible happened

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I'd thanked the kind man before my early departure, but for some odd reason I couldn't shake the nauseating feeling that something horrible happened. I can't wait to get home. ....Wait.... Is that... The smell of blood?! I started to run up the mountain as fast as I could, hoping and praying they were okay. They had to be, what would I do without them? I couldn't possibly live on my own just yet.

Anxiety flooded through every nerve in my body and had started to make me shake just when I reached it. My house? Bloody and in need of repairs. My family? Slaughtered. Maybe the ones with little injuries are still warm? I have to check.

Rokuta? No. Tanjiro! He's still got a pulse! If I run he might make it! I quickly picked him up as if I would be giving him a piggy back ride and made my way towards the closest doctor. Not long after though he woke up, but was making odd growling noises? Doesn't matter, he's awake! "Tanjiro, please just hold on! I'll get you to a doctor so-" before I could finish, we fell over the hill side.

"Tanjiro?! Are you okay? You need to rest, please just let me carry you to the doctor." I expected him to comply, but he attacked me! Something is wrong! Are these the demons the old man were talking about? How did he turn? What is going on? "Brother, it's me!" I screamed as I held his mouth back with the handle of the axe I had on me since I left yesterday morning.

He started to cry, I was about to comfort him but out of the corner of my eye I saw a man with a sword aimed for Tanjiro's neck. I swiftly moved us out of the way and he barely missed my hair. Who the hell goes around attacking people with swords? As I looked up to see the man, he spoke.

"Why are you protecting it?" It? How dare he call Tanjiro an it! Not the point, he has a sword. "He's my brother!"


Else where-

An elegant and strong demon ruler with his beautiful priestess queen sit in their dining room awaiting the arrival of the next great peaceful demon king of the prophecy whilst enjoying a nice cup of tea.

Now it's time for a Taisho secret! Tanjiro had a slight crush on a guy from their village and was going to pursue him, but found out he had a girlfriend. He was just happy he learned his sexuality through the whole ordeal. He is happily pansexual, but mainly looks for protectiveness in potential partners.

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