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Hello, dear reader!

Sorry to cut you in the middle of the story!

First of all, many many thanks to you for giving so much of positivity to me that you are reading this story. I hope you are enjoying this.

Due to my ill health I have not been able to update the story, I'm really very sorry to keep you waiting. I will try and start updating by this weekend. I will hopefully be better by then. I'm also stuck with a lot of work so I'm not able to give it enough time. 

But please rest assured that I get to still read all your comments, the excitement you express and it just fills me with so much of joy!

Krishna and Rukmini are just taking a small break and they'll be back in more grandeur! 

Meanwhile, thank you so much for your patience!

-Warm Regards,


Krishna! - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now