Goodbye For Now

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Evie was almost late to her final meeting with Treech, but managed to make it right on time

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Evie was almost late to her final meeting with Treech, but managed to make it right on time. Her footsteps hurting through the halls to the large room filled with mentors and tributes alike.

Treech gave her a sheepish grin when she sat down across from him, slightly out of breath.

"I was starting to get worried you wouldn't show." He said, eyes seeming nervous. Their conversation from the night before looming over their heads.

Neither one of them wanting to bring it up.

"I wouldn't have sent you in there without these," Evie pulled one of the lunches out of her bag and sat it on the table in front of Treech.

Treech's eyes softened as he reached into the bag and began to eat the meal inside. Yet another sandwich, an orange, and a brownie with a bottle of water of course. She was never quite sure what to bring him, but thankfully Rose was always on top of it. Besides, she knew whatever was inside was enough to give him the energy he would need for today.

"Thank you, Evie. For everything you've done for me." Treech gave his mentor a pitiful smile, reaching for the water bottle.

"It's the least I could do. You deserve better than this, Treech. And I'm so sorry you're here." Evie didn't really know what else to say, besides to apologize for their current situation.

"If I could switch places with you, I would." She truly meant it.

"I wouldn't let you." He responded, picking at the chocolate brownie in front of him.

She almost smiled at his constant need to protect others.

"Besides, it's not so bad," he said unconvincingly, "if I hadn't come here, I never would've met you."

How could he try and be sweet with her at a time like this? She suddenly wanted to throw her arms around him and never let go.

They only had a few minutes left and Evie couldn't help but glance around the rooms at the other mentors and tributes. She also noticed the lack of Clemensia at Reaper's table. The boy sat alone.

She looked to her side to see Lamina and Pup sitting at a table next to them. Pup had pretty much given up talking to his tribute, she was crying again.

Evie grabbed the lunch that was meant for herself out of the bag at her side and stood up to hand it to Lamina.

The younger girl looked up with watery eyes, peaking up at the brunette who stood next to her.

"To keep your energy up." Evie attempted to give the coppery redhead a reassuring look, but she didn't know how believable it was.

Lamina looked down into the bag before taking out the sandwich and water bottle. Evie was just glad Lamina still trusted her enough to take the offering.

"Thank you, Evie." Lamina spared Treech a quick look before eating her food.

Pup gave Evangeline a nod of thank you before he told Lamina he would be helping her the best he could from the other side, doing everything he could to reassure her.

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