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Some quick notes before starting to make things less confusing.

1. Izuku will be younger than everyone at 12 years old, everyone else is still their canon age. He managed to get into U.A. early because of his exceptional grades and quirk in the entrance exam (also Aizawa's favouritism).

2. The quirk One For All can be taken away by the previous user, don't ask me how ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

3. Izumi is Izuku's older sister by 2 years, which makes her 14. She also inherited a strong Telekinesis quirk from their mother.

<[With the LOV]>

"Ugh!" Shigaraki slams his fists onto the bar angrily. "How do all these damn heroes keep beating us!"

Everyone had just returned from an attack on U.A. which they lost horribly. The members have a few minor injuries but they weren't able to leave a scratch on the heroes. It has been like this for the past few attacks launched on U.A, leaving the League more frustrated with every attempt.

"We need a new plan of attack." Kurogiri stated while cleaning a glass behind the counter calmly. "I've noticed the green boy has been consistently growing stronger, he may even surpass All Might someday."

"EEEE! Izu-kun, I would love to get some more of his blood." Toga fan-girls eagerly, sitting on a bar stool beside Twice. Ever since she first encountered Deku she's been obsessed with him, or more specifically, his blood. She licks her knife while giggling to herself.

"That will be a problem, he needs to be eliminated quickly." Dabi inputs to the conversation. He sitting a further away from the others but still close enough to hear the conversation. (ha ha emo)

"Agreed, and I think I have the perfect idea on how." Shigaraki grins with an evil chuckle.

(Time skip)

<[With Izuku]>

It's just an average Monday morning with Izuku's alarm blasting in his ear like usual. With a groan he rolls out of bed, getting ready to start the day. He starts a stopwatch and starts rushing through his daily routine.

He goes through his closet, getting out his uniform and changing into it. Deku then makes his bed and gathers the stationary he would need for the day. He looks in the mirror and puts on a bright smile. Others are always more happy around a friendly smile.

He stops his stopwatch and dusts off his uniform before stepping out the dorm to start the day.

Izuku walks down to the common area as usual, brushing fingers through his hair in an attempt to comb it. I wonder if anyone's made breakfast yet. If not I'll make some, maybe pancakes? Izuku thought to himself as he entered the common area. 

He froze in place when he saw all his classmates, teachers, and the principal there waiting for him. Izuku gives his sister, Izumi, a quick glance of confusion before facing All Might in front of him.

"Heyyyy everyone... what's this all about? This is a pretty late surprise party, my birthday was last month... remember..." Izuku trails off nervously as he twiddles his thumbs. 

He notices that no one in the room is smiling, not even All Might and he's in his muscle form. All Might clears his throat to bring Izuku's attention back on him as he had started muttering possible reasons for what had happened. "Young Midoriya, he have discovered a traitor in U.A."

"Wait, really? That's great! Actually not so great if it's someone we know well. But yay, I guess?" Izuku trails off under All Might hard look. Why is he looking at me so coldly? Do they think I'm the traitor..? No that's silly, of course I'm not! There must be someone behind me or something.

He looks behind himself and sees no one there. Izuku looks to Uraraka, one of his closest friends, for an explanation. All she does is shake her head at him sadly before looking away. Everyone else in Class 1-A is avoiding eye contact with him, except for one. Bakugo is giving him a death glare, but is surprisingly restraining himself from fighting. For now...

Iida approaches Izuku and shows him a picture. The picture is of a back alley beside the school with two people facing each other, in the middle of a handshake. One of them is Tomura Shigaraki, the other is.... Izuku.

"Wait what!? Tha-That isn't me! I would never betray U.A, it's my dream to become a hero!" He exclaims, desperately trying to convince everyone of his innocence. Everyone looks on at him in disappointment, by now Izuku has realised that they're all in their hero gear.

"Izumi, come here." All Might says making a hand gesture. Izuku looks at his sister as she walks over to stand beside him. 

All Might reaches him arms and puts a hand on both of their heads. A yellow light envelops the room, when it disappears all Izuku can feel is emptiness. "I have removed One For All from you Young Midoriya. It has been transferred to your sister, the rightful inheritor." All Might explains.

"Wh-What..?" Izuku looks on in disbelief. He looks over to his sister who simply mouths an 'I'm sorry' back. Izuku slowly backs away from everyone in fear, trying to activate One For All, but inevitably failing. He freezes in place when a familiar scarf wraps around him, immobilising Izuku in an instant.

"I'll take it from here All Might. I will escort him myself to prison." Aizawa says, dragging Izuku out of the room with his scarf. Izuku is in shock from what has just happened and can't seem to summon the will to move.

Once outside the building Aizawa walks him into the nearby woods. To Izuku's surprise, Aizawa releases him from the capture weapon. Aizawa crouches down to Izuku's level and places a hand on his shoulder. Izuku looks at him with wide eyes, still shocked by what's happening.

Aizawa sighs and starts speaking, "Look Problem Child, I know it wasn't you. You're the most loyal person to heroing I've ever met, and had the honor to teach. The best I can do for you now is letting you go, I'll come up with some lie as to why you're not in prison. So just lay low for now, until I can find a way to prove your innocence."

By the time Aizawa finishes talking Izuku is in tears. He wipes them away with his sleeve and warm smile appears on his face. "Thank you Sensei, you're the best teacher I've ever had. I'm glad that I was your student, even for a short while. Goodbye, I hope to see you again soon."

Izuku then walks off into the woods. He glances back one last time and Aizawa is already gone.

The Forgotten Hero (Izuku Tokito AU)Where stories live. Discover now