Welcome To U.A.

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<[Muichiro POV]>

"May I please have your ticket."

The new voice startles me awake, I look over and see it's just a ticket inspector. Ginko hops off the windowsill of the train carriage and hands the man my ticket. It's become a routine that Ginko is in charge of any important items like tickets and keys, as I always seem to loose them or forget where I put them within ten minutes.

The ticket inspector is startled by the birds sudden appearance. He hesitantly takes the ticket from her and clips it, "Thank you." 

I nod at him in return, averting my gaze back to the window. I can still feel his presence hovering over me so I look back at him.

"That uniform... you're a demon slayer aren't you? Oh! My apologies sir." He bows nervously, obviously he's never met someone from the corps before. "I hope you enjoy your trip, goodbye!"

He hurriedly walks off to the next carriage, skipping the five or so remaining people who have yet to get their tickets clipped. Today's a good day for anyone who lost their ticket.

I'm currently on a train to Musutafu, courtesy of the U.A. Principal. They've offered to pay for all expenses regarding this trip, as well as money on top for hiring my services. This school must be really, REALLY rich.

I've been informed that the particular class I'm protecting has been held back multiple years because of continuous Villain and, more recently, demon attacks on the students. Making it so the students barely have any time to study for tests as they're constantly fighting for their lives. 

Personally, I think that's just a load of shit. If they would just study harder and stop being so lazy then maybe they'd be able to pass standard education. But, it's not my place to judge, I'm only here to do a job and that's it. There's probably at least one Marechi in that class which is attracting these demons.

"Mommy, look!" A child sitting across the row from me says. She's pointing at my sword excitedly. The poor mother quickly quiets the child and apologises to me, bowing at least ten times before moving to another carriage.

I tuck my sword closer to me, hiding it against my clothes so it hopefully doesn't stand out as much. I sigh and close my eyes. I never was good with kids.

<[With 1A]>

Aizawa walks into the class, the students failing to notice him over their chatter.

He clears his throat, effectively silencing the class. "I have an announcement to make. As you all know we've been under a lot of pressure from all the demon attacks that have been happening as of late. So, the school with your safety in mind, has directly contacted the Demon Slayer Corps and they have sent over one of their most highly trained members."

"So what, you getting us a babysitter!" Bakugo yells angrily like usual.

"Bakugo shhh!" Kirishima whispers.

"Tsk" He says finally deciding to shut up as this may actually be important information.

"I apologise for the rude interruption Sensei, please continue!" Iida says doing a ninety-degree bow.

Aizawa sighs, rubbing the ridge of his nose tiredly. "As I was saying, a Demon Slayer will be joining 1A until the Demon attacks die down. Don't ask me any questions, this is all I've been told. I'm going to sleep."

He brings out his yellow sleeping bag and promptly passes out on the floor. Muttering something about Nezu being vague as hell with his instructions again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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