The Mission

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So the story is going to skip ahead in time by 2 years now, so Izuku (will be referred to from now on as Muichiro) is 14 and has been gone from U.A. for 2 years.

But for convenience of plot and stuff everyone in Class 1A is still in their first year, and the same age (16). Muichiro is the only one to have aged because Wattpad logic. For the reason 1A is still in their first year you can pretend they had horrible grades and were held back for 2 years or something, idk, I'm lazy.

The plot of Demon Slayer will have continued as normal throughout this time. Muichiro will have lived with the Tokitos for roughly one year when the parents go bye bye. Then it was just him and Yuichiro for like 3 months or so before the demon went 'say goodbye to your brother loser'. 

Muichiro loses his memories and emotions(kinda) as usual. The lost memories include his entire time at U.A.

Muichiro also grew out his hair in the first year and now looks like Muichiro does in demonslayer. His hair darkened as well and is a very dark green colour which looks like black.

Then Muichiro does the usual 2 months of Demon Slayer training and becomes a Hashira. Then for the remainder of the 2 years he did Hashira duties/missions or something. Then the story continues here at the time of Tanjiro's trial.

Also just as some general knowledge stuff, only recently demon slayers have been recognised by the public, demons are very strong and pro heroes struggle to subdue even one so demons slayers are looked upon highly, only the main slayer ranks are known to the public at this time so no one knows about the Hashira.

And I think thats all the important info so far so enjoy the story ig.

<[Muichiro POV]>

The sound of a katana sheathing can be heard followed by a thud. I look back at the what remains of the demon. The body has collapsed and the head is lying nearby.

"AAAARRGGGHHHHHH!! You damn slayer! I was about to make my debut as a demon but of course you just had to swoop in and ruin it all! I would've become famous! An Upper Moon!" The demon yells at me angrily. I approach the slowly disintegrating and and put my foot on it. I roll the head so it faces upwards and looks at me.

"Can you be quiet and die already." My cold gaze bores into its skull. That shocks it into silence as the demon finally perishes. As my foot was placed on the demon's head, when it disappeared my foot went straight through onto the ground and made me stumble. 

I right myself and dust off my clothes disappointed. It's been a while since I got an interesting demon, or was that last one challenging...?

I shrug and start walking through the forest towards a nearby village. Winter was finally over and all the trees had begun growing back their leaves, some overachievers even had small white flowers already. My gaze trails up to the sky, a medium sized grey bird flies overhead. What was that bird again? It's the species that spy turns into in that one movie. Can't quite recall the name though.

"CAW! CAW! HASHIRA MEETING AT UBUYASHIKI ESTATE! CAW!" I'm broken out of my trance and my gaze lands on a crow with eyelashes.

"Uhh, Ginko?" She lands on my shoulder.

"CORRECT! YOUR MEMORY IS GETTING BETTER! MY GENIUS IS RUBBING OFF ON YOU EHEHEHEHEHE!" Ginko says loudly with her haughty voice right next to my ear. I use my hands to cover my ears, wincing from the volume. She catches on and doesn't continue talking. At least she is aware that she only speaks with one volume.

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