1 🍋

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You and Kakashi are the same age. Fluff/Lemon/Lime. 


"Where is that trash goblin...." You groan, lowering onto your hands and knees to peer under your bed. Sighing, you stand up, crossing your arms while scanning around. You open your cabinet and grab a medium to-go box, ladling some brown curry into it. The box had two compartments; upon closing the bottom part, you filled the top with rice, packing it in tightly. Shutting it tight, you head over and knock on Kakashi's door.

He opens it, glancing down, a cat in his arms looking very content, "Yes?"

Pressing your fingers into a closed eye in irritation, you groan, "I'm sorry. I don't know why she comes over here so much."

He moves to the side, eye smiling at you as you enter. You set the box of food on his kitchen counter, noticing a small bowl of wet cat food on the open windowsill.

"You don't have to feed her, you know. She'll just come bug you more often at this rate." You frown, turning to him.

Still smiling at you with his eye, he raises the cat's paw in a 'hello', "We're friends, though."

You turn your back to him, face pink, concealing a giddy smile. So cute... "Just- feel free to kick her out when you want."

Kakashi sets the cat down on the floor and it rubs up against his shins. He grabs the boxed food, examining the outside of the container. "What's this?" His eye moves to you.

"It's just some curry. No meat, though- I ran out." Laughing awkwardly, you lean down and pick up the cat who meows loudly in protest.

Watching you, he sets the box back down, quickly grabbing a spoon from his kitchen drawer. "Well, thank you."

"It's a little spicy, by the way." Flashing a smile, you open the door, "Later."

His face was indifferent during your departure. Glimpsing down, he sets the rice tray next to the much deeper curry one. His spoon slid into the thick texture, bringing it up to his lips. He takes a bite, pausing, ears and cheeks red among his calm expression.



"Hey there, what can I get for you two?" You smile down at Kakashi and a woman sat at a booth.

Kakashi often brought women and fellow shinobi to your small restaurant. Truth be told, he preferred it here because it was kind of a hole-in-the-wall. He didn't have to deal with crowds of people here unless it was the weekend, and most of the time no one who showed up recognized him.

He gestured for his date to answer first and she placed an order for takoyaki. Switching his eye to you, he smiles, not having looked at the menu. "Salted saury?"

"We ran out, sorry. They're just a bit hard to come by at the moment. Are you alright with herring?"

"Sure- thank you." Handing you both menus, he turns his attention to the woman across the booth.

Placing their orders with the chef, you return the menus to their holder and stroll up behind two men sat at the bar. Genma and Raido grin at you, very obviously buzzed. Raido was stuffing his face with grilled pork, Genma sipping on his beer with spicy chicken on his own plate.

"Need anything else, guys?" You beam, hands on each of their closest shoulders.

Genma slides a hand to your lower back, dangerously close to your ass.

Neighbors to Roommates 🍋 -- Kakashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now