264 11 1

CW: Lime/Teasing/Abuse

You opened the front door, eyes immediately meeting with Kakashi's figure sitting patiently in the kitchen chair. His eye flicked to you, emotionless, before returning to his book. The awkward tension palpitated in the room and you glance at your door, starting to it in tentative steps.

"Are we going to talk about it?" He croaks, not looking up from his book.

You freeze with your back to him, "Talk about what?"

"Y/n." His voice was much closer, the feeling of his warm body radiating against you from behind.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

He slides his hands to your hips, spinning you to face him.

Your face was red, eyes pointed toward the side in embarrassment.

Swallowing, he sighs, "We have to try again, you know that. We've been putting it off for days."

You remain silent.

"..." He narrows his eye on you, "If it happens again it's fine, I will pull us out."

Your eyes cut back to his face.

"...We can do it here, where you're comfortable."

"I don't want to." Stepping back, you make an escape in the form of a brisk walk toward your door.

"I'm not asking you." He grunts, pinning you against the wall. "We're going to do it whether you like it or not."

"Wha-" Your eyes widen and you turn away, "Let go- It's too awkward-"

Effortlessly holding you down, he presses his knee in between your legs against the wall to better his grip. "Stop it, it wasn't that bad-"

"Kakashi stop," Moaning helplessly you flail against him.

"Behave- It'll work this time-"

"Kh!" Instinctively, your knee jerks up hard into his crotch.

"..." He slowly drops his forehead to your shoulder, staring down at the floor, the only sound in the apartment being a ticking clock.



You squeak suddenly, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" His hands unlatch from your wrists and press flat against the wall. You quickly cup his bulge with both your hands, "Are you okay-"

Cheeks red, his eye widens on the floor when he feels your hands clasp onto him, "...I am in pain."

"It was an accident-" You lightly squeeze his bulge, too engulfed in the guilt of having knee'd his genitals. Your fingers twitch into him and you rub gently.

He hissed a breath, using all of his willpower not to flagrantly harden into your hands. His forearm pressed against the wall above your head and he raised his face to rest his eyes on it.

"Kakashi..." Frowning, you look up at him, assuming he was upset and hurting, dealing with the pain. His quiet submission as he let you continue rubbing him led you to believe your hands were soothing his pain.

"..." He swallows softly, standing straight up, legs spread on either side of your own. The heat in his core was raging fiercely, ready to snap and pin you down.

"Please say something-" You look up at his masked lower face and neck. Your fingers slowly slither down the length of his member toward his balls.

His hand quickly places over the two you had on him. He let out a few labored breaths before swelling to life against your hands, groaning softly while he did so.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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