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Trigger Warning: Gore/Death/Abuse. I can't add a warning as it is spaced out throughout the chapter. Will add a tl;dr at the end.


Kakashi and the woman from last night stood next to each other facing the water. Awkward tension filled the air, Kakashi's hands deep in his pockets while he wore a stern eye he kept trained ahead of him. The woman was blushing, a look of sadness and hurt on her face.

"I apologize for last night. What I said to you...It was cruel. You didn't deserve that." He squeezed his hands into fists, shuddering at the thought of having lost his cool over the situation.

She blinked slowly, lazily gazing over at him, "Were you lying?"

He narrowed his glare, remaining silent.

Rolling her eyes back to the water, tears form in her lifeless eyes, "I see." Swallowing once, she continues, "Do you have feelings for her?"

Gulping, his eye wavers a bit, a gentler look calming his face as he thought about you, "....I don't know what I feel."

"Did you have feelings for me?"

He cuts his look aside, shrinking into his shoulders a little, "...."

She trembles, covering her mouth to stifle a sob. Kakashi winces at the noise, turning his head to the side, away from her. "...I'm sorry."

"So you really were just using me...." Smiling in defeat, her hand dropped to her side, tears cutting hot ribbons down her face as they fall onto the dry dirt below.

Her words were like daggers. I'm scum. He glares, forcing himself to look at her. Gently placing a hand on her face, he wipes some tears away with his thumb.

Looking up at him, she cries harder, throwing herself into his chest to hug him tightly, "Why can't you love me? We get along, we're both into the same things....Am I so horrible?"

Swallowing a lump, he looks at the top of her head, gingerly placing a hand on the back of it in an effort to console her. His other arm was flat against his side, tense. "You're not horrible..."

"Then why!?" She cried in a desperate tone, pulling back to meet his eye.

Seeing her face red and sticky with tears sent cringes into his body, the guilt becoming increasingly hard to hold up over his head. "I....don't have an answer for that...."

Frowning, she pulled back, chewing her bottom lip in thought for a moment. "So are we done altogether? Even hooking up?"

"....What?" He asked, slightly confused, "Why would you even want that after everything that happened?"

"I may hate that you don't love me, but I'm still attracted to you..." Wiping away some tears, she looked down.



Kakashi rested his back into a tree, face firm as he stared at the page of his book.

"Kakashi-Sensei? Are you alright?" Sakura asked, a look of worry on her face.

Naruto and Sasuke were behind her, completely unaware of how to read the situation.

"Hm?" He lifted his eye to hers, "I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

Glancing away shyly, she continues, "We finished training 10 minutes ago and you still haven't spoken. You've been staring at the same page the entire time."

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