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CW: Sex(kinda)/Masturbation

"I'm getting my own room tonight." You state flatly, walking side by side with Kakashi.

"Would you like me to stay with you?" He asks politely, looking ahead.

You cringe, glancing at him, "Why would I?"

He smiles coldly, internally crying. So blunt.... :') "Just trying to be supportive."

Watching him for a moment, you sigh softly, "...Sorry. That was aggressive of me." While walking parallel to each other, you stare at the floor, trying to assume some normalcy in your demeanor in contrast to earlier. "Thank you. For pulling me out and sitting with me."

Rolling his eye down to you, his finger just barely twitches at the thought of wrapping an arm around you. "...We'll handle the situation. I give you my word."

You cut your gaze away with lowered lids, stuffing the thought of Zan deep down.


"No....." Dread flooded your face as you clenched your fists tightly on the front desk, "You have....no more rooms?" Glancing up at the woman with fear, you plead, "Please.....I....I don't want to share a room with.....kids......" You force the word out, cringing at the thought of it.

"Sorry," She shrugs sheepishly, "This place is already pretty small- What with the gang living here now, some of them have taken up permanent residency in a few of our rooms." The woman frowns, hands folded in front of her on the desk.

You groan, falling to your knees dramatically, "But....they....." You think back to Naruto and how loud he can be in almost any given situation. "So....loud...."

Kakashi sighs, one hand on his hip, the other in his pocket, "It's not that bad."

Jolting your head toward him, your eyes darkened, replying with a drained tone, "You are a stronger man than many, Kakashi."


Groaning, you shove your face into the couch, pulling a pillow over the back of your head. You were laying on your stomach flat, legs extended out along the seat cushions. Kakashi sat upright on the other end of the couch, head laid back and eyes full of debilitated exasperation.

Naruto was sitting criss-cross on his sleeping mat, looking up at the two adults, "How come you guys were all wet when you got back?" Pausing for a moment, he brings a finger up to his lips in thought, "Come to think about it, why are you guys in here with us? If you're dating shouldn't you have your own room?" He tilts his head, a confused look on his face. "Oh wait, is it caus-"

A pillow flies through the air, pelting Naruto in the back of his head. Whipping around, he frowns, pouting. His eyes meet Sasuke's who was smugly smirking.

"What the hell was that for?!" Naruto groaned, holding his head. He quickly pitched the pillow back at Sasuke, who easily avoided it.

"You're being annoying." Sasuke replied, closing his eyes and crossing his arms indignantly. Another pillow flew, smacking Sasuke in the face. He winced, lowering his lids into an annoyed glare. Naruto grinned at him.

Slowly pulling the pillow down, you turn onto your side, looking over at Kakashi with fatigued eyes. He offers an awkward chuckle, smiling, "It can be tolerabl-" A pillow hit him in the face with such force his head cocked back all the way over the back of the couch.

The two boys froze in fear, staring at Kakashi, who sat unmoving.

"K-Kakashi-Sensei! Sorry!" Naruto beamed.

Neighbors to Roommates 🍋 -- Kakashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now