Chapter 51

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We're laying side by side, one arms is under her head as she snuggles into me, it's familiar, warm, and exactly as I remember her. Our bodies fit so perfectly, they know each other from years of being together, the familiar smell of her shampoo, the touch of her velvet skin, the way her right leg is flung over both my legs and her gentle hand on my chest in the same spot it always was, the very same spot where it belongs now, tomorrow, and forever.

"Did we just really do that?" She says, I chuckle.

"We did indeed. I hope you don't regret it." I hope not because for me it was the most amazing feeling in the world and my heart is swollen and overflowing for Sage right now. If I'm honest, a part of me never stopped loving this woman. She is perfection, smart, funny, honest, stubborn to the core and damn beautiful. Everything.

"No, of course not. I knew what I was doing." She sighs and runs her hand across my chest. It feels so good to hold her in my arms again, I never thought this would ever be the case again and yet here she is, naked and in my bed, all folded around me. What more could I want?

"But you do know I'm going to leave. This can't go anywhere." This is what I thought she'd say and despite her words my heart isn't sinking to my feet. No way.

"We'll see about that darlin'. I'm going to make you realize just what you'd be missing."

"Oh, really. Well, you know I've got a profession and that I want a fellowship. I'm not going to get that here, Logan." She sure is a straight talker.

"You may just change your mind." I kiss the top of her head. I feel her chest rising and falling against my side as she snuggles in. I hope you guys are all rooting for me because there is no way I want Sage to leave me again.

"I don't think so, this is just fun. We both need someone right now, so don't get yourself any funny ideas. You hear me?"

"I hear you darlin'. Doesn't mean I gotta listen to you." For that I get a playful slap to the chest. I take her wrist and bring her hand to my mouth and kiss her fingers one at a time. I know this woman, she wouldn't have slept with me simply for fun, she has more depth, more integrity and she's not a hook up kind of woman. Somewhere in her heart, I know she has feelings for me. Otherwise, she would not have slept me. That much I do know about Dr Sage Bennett.

"You hungry?" I ask her because I am starving after giving her three orgasms, I think I'm due some energy source of some kind.

"Absolutely, I am."

"Great, let's go see what's in the kitchen. I know I've got cheese, crackers, pickles, and some sliced chicken breast."

"Sounds perfect, let's do it." She unfolds from my body and already I miss her closeness and her warmth. I slip on my shirt and pull my jeans up my legs, Sage grabs one of my blue denim shirts I had laying on the back of a chair and buttons it up. I stop and swallow, damn she looks so good wearing my shirt.

If I wasn't in such need for some kind of sustenance, I'd be taking it off her in a jiffy and prising those fine legs of hers open once again and taking her to heights once again. My cock twitches, not now I've gotta eat.

As if she knows exactly what effect she's having on me, Sage flashes me a grin and cocks her head. "I thought we were getting food, you letch." She giggles. It's cute and girlie. Boy, have I missed her. I didn't realize just how much until right now. All the small things she does, the way she giggles, her eyes twinkling, that radiance she is wearing right now from her after-sex glow. Her hair all messed up.

I open the bedroom door for her, and she steps passed me. Hector raises his head from in front of the fire, I go towards him and pat him on the head and reach for another log from the basket close to him, the fire needs feeding. When the temperatures drop at night this time of year, it can get chilly up here in West Virginia. Flames spring up immediately, and Hector settles back down, satisfied with a fluff of the curls on his head, his tail wags as he places his head back down.

I can hear Sage in the kitchen opening cupboards and putting on the coffee machine. "Isn't it getting late for coffee?" I ask her. She shrugs her shoulders.

"Don't start that with me. It's never too late for coffee, besides I need you to drive me back to the restaurant for my car so I can get home." Oo, wow that stings. No way. I want her to stay with me for the night. I want to feel her snuggled into my body when I open my eyes first thing in the morning. She has got to be kidding me, right?

I cough and enter the kitchen area, resting one hand on the marble work top, with the other I place it around her waist and pull her close to me. "Don't be so damn difficult, darlin'. You're not going anywhere. You are staying right here with me in the cabin and when I wake up, you will be the first thing that I see in the morning. I want to feel you next to me, to see your beautiful face as the sun rises. Don't deny me that." Her mouth forms an O.

Is Dr Sage Bennett lost for words? That has got to be a first. EVER.

"Well, I suppose if you put it that way. But you know my folks aren't going to give over when I get home tomorrow morning. Especially not my mother. She'll have the wedding invitations out in a jiffy and that I cannot be doing with. You know how she gets. She's going to put two and two together and come up with a white wedding in the chapel off Main Street and..." I stop her by kissing her. She talks way too much.

"Ssh, you're an adult. Tell her you went off to Coppertown. Only, the truth about us seeing each other is going to come out sooner than later because I can't trust how I'm going to act around you. You're so damn beautiful that I can't keep my hands off you." I slap her butt and go past her so I can grab myself a glass from near the sink and pour myself some water. I'm parched.

"We agreed this was just for fun, so you're going to have to behave around me, Logan." Yeah, well we'll have to see about that. I give it a few weeks maximum before my girl decides and realizes that Willowbrook and I, are where her home is. 

Healing Hearts: A Second Chance Romance. Book1 of The Willowbrook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now