Part 12

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"Are we going to make love, now, Jake?" I asked, my toes curling with anticipation. Everything was already too much and was making me sensitive. I heard him chuckle darkly.

"No, Cassie," he replied, the tension in the air thickening. "Not when you haven't decided."

Disappointment flooded through me. "Why," I almost whined. I wanted him, right here, right now. "I can take this. This doesn't change my feelings for you."

"It's not about whether you can take it or not. It's about making choices when you're clear-headed, not in the heat of the moment."

I crossed my arms, my sexual frustration bubbling. "So, what? We wait for the perfect moment? The perfect setting?"

He stepped closer, his eyes penetrating mine. I gasped at the touch of his fingers as he brushed them on my cheeks. "We wait until you're sure. Until there's no doubt in your mind. This isn't just about tonight; it's about what comes after this. Besides, I haven't shown you everything, Cassie." He turned around and switched something on and the whole wall flashed with images that had my eyes widening.

I stood there, stunned, as the wall transformed into a canvas of erotic scenes that were even more intense than what I had just witnessed. Women and Men were bound, screaming with pleasure. They were all naked, in different positions, fucked in different holes, tied and gagged. Some were being whipped, some were being spanked. I didn't know what to make of it. Jake leaned in, his breath warm against my ear. "This is what I enjoy, Cassie. This is what I want to share with you, but only when you're ready."

My mind was reeling, trying to process everything. "This...this is happening now?"

"Oh, this is happening every single day."

I couldn't believe my eyes. "What is this thing? What are they doing?" I asked breathily, seeing it displayed in front of me gave me a whole other level of surprise. I felt a mix of curiosity and fear...but most of all, why did I feel a deep desire to experience it with him? I must be crazy. Yeah, I was deranged. The sexual sounds reached my ears, making the hair on my body stand with shudders crawling all over me.

"This is the BDSM world. The entertainment. That room is called the entertainment room. That room can be watched from different rooms in this building."

"They can see us now?" a protest bubbled from my stomach.

"No, Cassie. They can't see us. Private rooms are the exemptions."

My eyes were still glued to the images, unable to turn my head around because all the walls displayed the whole thing. Dammit! I was pooling between my legs. I was beyond aroused. "What is BDSM?" I asked him, never heard of such a word before.

"It's an acronym," he explained, his eyes fixed on the explicit scenes playing out on the wall. "Bondage, Discipline, Dominance, Submission, Sadism, and Masochism. It's a world of exploration, where individuals consensually engage in various activities that involve power dynamics, control, and sensory experiences."

I stared at the images, so lewd, so erotic. "But why? Why do people do this?"

"People find pleasure and fulfillment in different ways. BDSM is about trust, communication, and mutual consent. It's not just about the physical aspects; it's about the emotional connection and understanding each other's desires and limits."

Swallowing thickly, I blinked, casting my eyes down to the floor and back to the images again. "And you want to do this with me?" my stomach seemed to cave in. 

His eyes lingered on the explicit scenes before he turned to face me. "I want to share this with you. But only if you're willing, only if you're curious enough to do it with me."

JAKE'S UNDOING (18+) ✔  (LOVE AND OBSESSION SERIES) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now