Chapter 5 - Rachael

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A wolf, an angry, hungry, and dangerous wolf. It wasn't like a normal sized wolf, but huge. And on top of that, it wasn't any ordinary wolf, no, it was a werewolf. Great.

Alright. Choices. Get sucked dry by Patrick, or be eaten alive by the werewolf approaching the both of us. Which would be quicker? Less painful? I couldn't believe I was actually contemplating this. I shouldn't be. And I won't.

I pulled Patrick behind me and looked into the brush, watching as the glowing yellow eyes moved left to right, the wolf looking for the best way to come in and attack.

Patrick touched the bite on my neck and I instinctively grabbed his hand, glaring back at him and warning, "Don't. Even. Think about it."

"Then why let me this close to you? What? Are you afraid of the big bad w-" Before finishing his statement Patrick was pulled by his collar by a large jaw.

"No!" I screamed, extending my hand out to him as he was dragged into the treeline. I dashed forward, trying to keep up with the wolf and my boyfriend, but they were too fast. Running isn't going to do you any good, Patrick's voice sounded in my head.

I slowed to a stop.

Goddammit, he was right.

I snapped my fingers and made myself appear a couple hundred feet ahead of the wolf and Patrick. I created a bow in my hand and a quiver strapped across my back. I pulled out an arrow and knocked it, aiming at the wolf and pulling the arrow back. My eyes narrowed just before I released the arrow. It hit the werewolf right in the leg. But that wasn't enough to stop him, he growled and rushed at me, pushing me down. He then sneered at me and turned abruptly away from me, stalking his way to Patrick once again who was on the ground, lifeless it seemed - the wolf must have beaten him badly, considering his face is covered in slash marks.

I picked up the bow again and knocked another arrow. "No one hurts Patrick but me," I muttered before letting another arrow fly. This one hit him square in the shoulder blade. He snapped his head at me. "Oh, come on." I thought it would paralyze him, or weaken him at least, but all this did was enrage him even more.

I dropped the bow and snapped my fingers, making myself disappear, reappearing in the trees high above Patrick and the werewolf. Patrick saw me but said nothing. The wolf ripped the bow into two pieces and then went to look for my scent again. He gave up looking for me and slyly made his way to Patrick. He went to move and the werewolf snapped his jaw at him.

"You don't scare me!" Patrick proclaimed. A wolfie grin came upon the attacker's face and he charged, biting Patrick's leg. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground. The wolf moved close to him and said something that I didn't quite catch. "I'm sorry, I just was hungry," Patrick apologized. That wasn't the answer the wolf was looking for and knocked him over.

"NO!!!" I screamed and the beast's head snapped at me and he found where I was.

He gazed at the tree as if he was examining if he should jump and run away. He circled around the trunk of the tree and then pounced on the edge of it. His claws extended and grasped it. My heart skipped a beat then began to run a mile a minute realizing he was coming for me. Slowly he made his way up the tree. Paw by paw, he crept upwards. He made his way to the first branch and climbed up.

I could have moved, disappeared, saved Patrick and me. We could have been far away by now. But seeing the werewolf paralyzed me.

I snapped back into reality and moved to climb higher, but I fell and landed two branches away from the wolf. He snapped his teeth, bringing a claw up to try and scratch me. I was able to yank my body away quick enough for him to miss, but lost my balance and slipped, grabbing onto the branch before I fell fifty feet to my sure death.

~BOOK 1~ Paranormal: A Witch's Dark Future (Multi-Bandom FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now