Chapter Twenty Two: Confundus Charms

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She had gone back to the hospital wing, though she'd refused to sit down and let madam Pompfrey look at her.

Snape returned to the castle shortly, accompanied by Dumbledore. He had three floating stretchers following him holding Harry, Hermione and a bound Sirius Black, all of them were unconscious.

"What happened?", She asked, rushing up to meet them, "are they alright?"

"Everyone is fine Hope", Her father assured her, he turned back to Snape, "I think it would be best to lock Black in an office for now - perhaps Flitwick's up in the west tower would be best."

"Are you sure Dumbledore?", We have no need to lock him up, I can simply summon the dementors to us now. I'm sure they would be more than happy to greet Black."

"No!", She gasped, "you can't do that! He's innocent!"

"Be quiet Miss Dumbledore!"

"I think", Dumbledore spoke up rather louder than necessary, "that it would be best, Severus, to wait until a ministry official arrives to decide what shall happen to Black."

Snape nodded and used his wand to float Black stretcher out of sight.

"You can't let them take him away!", She said at once, "he's innocent, he'll tell you everything. We've seen Peter we know he's alive!"

"Hope! Please enough!", Her father held his hand up, "what is important right now is getting your friends seen by Madam Pompfrey.

"What happened to them?", She asked.

"I think the most qualified person to tell you would be Harry and Hermione themselves", he replied, "I need to go send an owl to the ministry informing them of the incident."

"But you can't!", She said, "they won't believe his story, because Peter escaped."

"Enough! I need you to go inside the hospital wing and stay with your friends."

He turned away and walked off down the corridor. She watched him leave. Fade into the distance until he finally turned a corner and was gone.

She felt like a child, being ignored because the grown ups didn't have time to listen to her stories. But he didn't understand. She'd let Peter escape, and because of that no one would believe their story. It was all too far fetched without the proof.

She pushed open the door of the hospital wing, looking around. Harry Ron and Hermione were lying on the right hand side of the room, all of them were unconscious.

"What happened to them?", She asked, spotting Madam Pompfrey standing beside Harry, waving her wand slowly over him.

"Mr Weasley was hit with a stunning spell, but his legs completely broken, I've decided to leave him as he is until I've done the major work needed - terribly painful otherwise. Miss Granger and Mr Potter here were attacked by dementors - oh how I told Dumbledore - but no matter, both with come about on their own soon enough."

She straightened up.

"All of you have been through a terrible ordeal tonight", she said, "I think it would be best if perhaps you had a lie down. You don't need to worry now, Dumbledore will sort out everything."

"I can't", she said, "I can't sleep. How long will it take for them to wake up."

"At least a few hours", Madam Pomfrey replied, "really Miss Dumbledore, lie down and rest."

But she couldn't sleep. She Lay down on the bed beside Harrys and stared up at the ceiling.

Now she was not only a child who was being ignored by her father. She was a child who'd been told to go to bed when she didn't want to.

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