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After the ceremony's end, the team was escorted to their bus which would take them on campus

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After the ceremony's end, the team was escorted to their bus which would take them on campus. [name] saw the roadtrip as a way to make new friends. There was one problem however, she was a rather shy person despite demonstrating herself to be charismatic. As they exited the stadium, she was immediately surrounded by a swamp of journalists taking photos of her and asking her questions. Some members stood up for her and held the journalists back until bodyguards were able to fully rescue her.

"Ah thank you so much for your help! My name is [name] and you are?"

She bowed to them as a way to show gratitude, as the five guys panicked and told her it was nothing and she didn't need to bow her head.

They introduced themselves as respectively: Hiura Kirina, Kazemaru Ichirouta, Kira Hiroto, Haizaki Ryouhei and Shirou Fubuki.

"I hope we can all be friends!...haha I trouble making friends usually" she chuckled sadly at the last part while the other sort of sympathized with her and accepted her offer, the grey headed boys, while denying to fall for her charm, still accepted, although looking reluctant.

On the bus ride, the coach Zhao actually made everyone play games to familiarize [name] and Ichihoshi with everyone else.

"Oh so everyone is so impressive in here wow" the girl said with admiration.

"I'm sure you're just as impressive [name]" reassured Kazemaru who was seated besides her.

At the end of the ride, everyone was more familiar with [name] and actually saw her as a person rather than an untouchable deity, which was what a lot of people saw instead of just the girl she was.

Everyone just wanted to be friends with her because of her charming personality and hoped to have a chance to speak to her later.

As they got off the bus, [name] looked as everyone admired the scenery. It was indeed a beautiful sight, she took a photo of it and sent it to her group members, along with a text where she admitted to missing them.

She was then approached by who she recognized to be Asuto and his friends. "It's a pleasure to play with you [name]!" The black haired boy shook her hand as she smiled. "The pleasure is all mine".

"Now that I think about it, do you have any soccer experience?" Hiura asked as she chuckled.

"Have a little faith on me! I'll demonstrate my worth once it comes to it" they nodded, although unsure of what she meant, as they continued to converse.

Everyone was then brought inside and made eat dinner made by the lovely staff. "[name] you don't seem to have a big appetite, you sure you don't need to eat more?" Shirou recognized as she looked at him. "Fubuki, I have to keep a certain physique as an idol, and I don't really mind" she chuckled, trying her best to hide the bitterness in her tone, although the white haired boy caught on and looked at her worriedly. She quickly noticed his diffident eyes and wanted to avoid any type of worry placed on her and thus just accepted the extra food.

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