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As the day [name] would have her first professional match rolled by, she bonded exponentially with her peers, by matching the energy everyone gave off, as she usually did

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As the day [name] would have her first professional match rolled by, she bonded exponentially with her peers, by matching the energy everyone gave off, as she usually did. One could say she captured their heart, not romantically , even though there were some, with her aura and persona, rather than her beauty, which people often looked at instead.

Particularly, some of the members were starting to feel giddy around the [hair color]-ette.

As the night fell upon where they resided, everyone retired themselves in their room.

[name] included, although she was busy doing some paperwork in her pijamas. It was a simple pink silk set and her hair was put in a messy braid.

As she was focused on her work, she heard footsteps outside, meaning someone was getting out of their room.

As curiosity got the best of her, she slowly opened her door, to follow the mysterious figure silently. She found herself outside, uncovering her and the figure's identity as the ever so beautiful light of the moon shone on them.

Kidou was standing in front of her, still in his uniform. She looked at him as his head positioning told her he was doing the same through his goggles.

"Kidou? You should be asleep you know?" she whispered loud enough for him to hear, but still low enough so people couldn't be disturbed in their sleep.

"I'd say the same thing to you" he said with a small smile.

"Well, at least i'm in my sleepwear...what's keeping you up? Do you have troubles sleeping?" She asked worriedly before he interrupted her.

"I don't know...perhaps I knew you'd follow me out here" she tilted her head in confusion, as she was lost on what he said.

"Look at the moon tonight...it reminds me of you" he blushed however he did not look at her, too embarrassed, but she was, as her mouth hung agape.

Kidou couldn't help but fall for her, she was just what he didn't know he needed. It was true that they had little days to get to know each other, but the short time efficiently made his celebrity crush transition to an actual infatuation.

He knew her before, observing her as an adoring fan, but getting to meet her and having real life interactions was simply different. She was even better than what he thought. Playful, as to contrast, or complete, his own personality, yet smart and graceful to match it at the same time. He didn't know how someone could do that, yet there she was.

He never would've thought he'd be so down bad for someone, it wasn't his character to be, and yet he found himself fallen into the intricate thread of love.

"Kidou..." she managed to mutter as she looked at the shiny big full moon, smiling down on the two.

Kidou moved his head to look at her stunning features highlighted by the moonlight, as his eyes softened.

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