4. Forever

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She was chosen to play the game, of course, and was put in the back part of the middle field

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She was chosen to play the game, of course, and was put in the back part of the middle field. She stood in her assigned place, breathing in as to calm her growing anxiety.

"It will be exciting to see what plays they will show us" the commentator was full of excitement.

She observed what was before her sight, as Asuto, whose was in front of her, hissed in pain, looking at his legs, Kirina immediately going to his side checking up on him.

"Damn dudes be gay" she whispered while chuckling to herself.

Unfortunately they heard her and turned their head to her with a slight blush on their cheeks, inquiring expression plastered on their faces. She looked back at them with an innocent face.

Fortunately, she was saved by the whistle, which indicated the start of the match.

Korea kicked the ball first, which was immediately then stolen by Asuto, who passed said ball to Gouenji. The match overall started by going back and forth without any actual development.

[name] was keeping herself busy observing their movements. It seemed that Korea, or Red Bison apparently, used a rougher playstyle.

That idea of hers became more clear as they performed their first hissatsu technique of the match: "Kamikaze Buffalo Train".

[name] stopped on her tracks as she heard the name of the technique, a soft snicker threatening to escape her mouth as she deadpanned.

"Who the fuck calls their technique 'Kamikaze Buffalo Train?'" she thought as she continued to run into their direction as to get a better view of the technique and its functionality.

It was just a simple quick charge of multiple people. It wouldn't be difficult to overcome. [name] tried to elaborate some plan to communicate to her teammates on how to overcome it. She saw how Hiura was able to avoid direct damage and it seemed that their charge was quite great in power.

By simply observing their playstyle, she predicted in her mind that it wouldn't be long until they started to use even rougher play. She was actually really bad in handling rough play because of how frail her body was in comparison to the korean player's bigger build.

As she ran around, following the ball, her mind was going in circles to try to come out with a way to avoid being sent to the other side of the world with just a push.

As a matter of fact, as she predicted, they did indeed started to push everyone around, reason for which she decided to act in the sidelines, to avoid being seen and thus being hit.

That wasn't the only reason. From the extreme corner, she could observe the field very well. She noticed how two of the strikers got dangerously close to the goal and, seeing how dirty they were playing, she was sure they would in some way sabotage Endou's technique.

Nonetheless, as the red haired striker was about to use his "Bison Horn", his teammate swiftly moved his leg to create dust to cover Endou's view and thus obstruct his vision.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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