What did i do.

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Vylo's Pov

We were at Quay' house I was literally begging my parents to just lemme stay home not like we finna do nun anyway.

We were there, just sitting around the the counter everyone chatting away while I just stayed there on my phone scrolling through TikTok when the door open and we hear Quay calling, then walked into the kitchen and ask what up or whatever, I didn't really look at him but when I look up his gaze met mine and I gave an annoyed face look, seems like he was finna walk over to where I was sitting so I got up and went upstairs stairs, ain't like they finna care.

I walk over to the guest bedroom next to Quincy caz I don't wanna be near Quay.

I hopped on the bed and pull the covers over me caz i finna take a nap up in this bitch but- my phone started ringing I looked at the caller ID I didn't recognize the number at first but I soon then, so I answered, it was jaquan one of my old flings, what the fuck does he wants now.

"Yo" I answered

"What's up sexy, been thinking about you since last week can't you off my mind pretty boy" he said in a kind of seductive way

"Oh really"

"Yea you tryna link" he asked

"Nah" I said straight up am not one to hook up twice or nun caz inno tryna get nobody attached to me or me getting attached

"Come on vylo just think about it we could go somewhere for a few days, just you and me, you know am all about you baby boy"

I mean am not really sure but with what's going on I need a break, and he does fuck good so why the fuck not.

"Ight fine just lemme know when"

"Damn baby, how about tomorrow since it's Friday we'll come back on Monday you ok with that??" He asked


"Ight I'll pick you up around 6pm pretty boy"

"Ok whatever bye" I said hanging up before he got a chance to say back anything.

I put my phone on DnD cause was finna get some beauty rest.

'Half an hour later'

"VYLO COME ON DOWN HEA WE READY" I heard my dad shouted

Damn bro just has I was about to get dreamy.
I got up and dragged my self down the stairs I was finna head straight for the door when dad said

"What wrong with the two of you" he said pointing at me and Q, I for sure ain't about to say non so looked Q dead flat in the eye and he looked back at me but I wasn't finna break so he just said-

"It's nothing"

What's up y'all😂
Merry Christmas ❤️

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