Wait What??

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Vylo's Pov:

I got up about round 9 because I was somehow tired as fuck, I went to the bathroom and did my daily routine--now I was in the kitchen ma had made me breakfast the life of being a the fav child, fuck... I was enjoying it for a moment when someone had to bring up someone's name.

"Vy what's really going on with you and Quay cause I Kno you two have never rolled like that" ma said taking a seat next to me,

"It's non inno wanna talk about it" I replied trying not to sound uncomfortable

"Ok baby whenever you want to and no I won't ask him either" he said and I let a small chuckle

"Ma am going outta town for couples days"

"With who" he asked

"A friend he's picking me up at six so finna go play game and sleep"

"Ight, does your dad Kno" he asked raising his eyebrows

"Nope I haven't seen him" I replied walking to the sink to watch my plate, I walked back over to him kissed him on dah cheek and head back upstairs.

I turned on my game and went on Call of duty seeing Mario and dantae online, couple second I lata Mario asking if am finna join and instead of replying I just joined them.

"Wassp baby" dantae said

"Who you calling baby" I replied

"Of course you hun you alrdy kno you my future husband"

"Well damn bae, you taking too long to get dah ring, you kno someone else finna come take me" I said rolling with him

"Damn bae you ain't gotta put it out there like that I know I ain't stand a chance against Quay" he said chuckling

"Me and Quay ain't shit bro" replied annoyed at the name

"Ight bae I ain't mean to upset you I forget y'll on break" he said as he chuckled

"Ight fuck y'll am logining off" I said as I logged off making them died which made Mario texted me (Bitch)

I turned my phone face down and laid face down on my bed.

A couple minutes later my door burst open I thought it was my dad so I didn't move until....

"Where you going" I heard

It was Q the last person I wanted to talk to right now he's the hold reason am going where am going

"Yo, I asked you a question" he said, fuck why does his voice sounds like that.

"Vylo.... am I talking to myself" he asked

I got up and sat up

"No" I replied holding my head down feeling a bit nervous like, where the fuck did the not giving a fuck Vylo go, I needed him right now.

" Ight then show I lil respect I Kno you probably still upset and shit" he said moving close to me

I wanted to tell him not to come any closer but my self wouldn't allow me.

He walked close till he was standing right in front of me.

"Are you still upset" he asked

I just shook my head yes because if I was supposed to talk right now I would probably sound like a bird tryna sing.

"Am sorry vy I didn't mean too, I was just not focusing am sorry" he said

I just shrugged,

He then took my hands into his I pulled me up to stand, I still held my head down, fuck this tension is killing me, why he so close I ain't even agree to make up back with him yet

He held one of my hand, well his other hand found its way to my chin holding up my Head, I was now looking up into his eye since he's still taller than me.

"I love you" he said looking in my eyes i was trying my best not to say it back but I couldn't help myself so I broke the eye contact I said

"I love you to Q but-"

I was cut off by him when his lips connected to mine (fuckkkkkkkk), this was hot my head started turning I wanted to push him away but I couldn't help but kiss him back.

My head was fulling with thoughts, Was this right? Is this a prank? What the fuck is he doing?? I haven't even forgiven him yet, knowing deep down I have, I mean he's Q

I broke away from my thoughts when I realized the lack of air I pulled away and look at him I couldn't read his expressions, fuck I was getting hot I moved from Infront of him and head straight for the bathroom


"Vylo" he called and I didn't answer I couldn't

"Vy?? Are you okay" he asked

"Yea, but you should go" I said I couldn't face him now


I cut him off by saying

"Just go Quay please"

"Ight am finna text you" he said

Oops- this is kinda long it's for a make up🤧
Happy new years y'll😭💙


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