I hate you🥲

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Quincy Pov:

It has been a week now since whatever it was me and Desmond did happened and she hasn't texted or called me.

Am just here laying around the house feeling like a dumb idiot.

'what if I had given her my body'

Naw caz then I would be a dumbass person

I heard noises downstairs but I couldn't even bother to get up and look but I was hungry and inno wanna cook so McDonald's it is.

I got up out the bed brushed my teeth and and washed my face then brushed up my hair grabbed my car key and downstairs I was, I didn't even bother to change my clothes not like nobody Gon see me

I got up out the bed brushed my teeth and and washed my face then brushed up my hair grabbed my car key and downstairs I was, I didn't even bother to change my clothes not like nobody Gon see me

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The fit...

I saw Ollie and her friend sitting there sitting down including the lil bitch Desmond.

"Where you going" Ollie asked looking over at me

"Get food you want?" I said

"And your going in that" she said

"Well non the boys ain't hea and nobody ain't own me might find a lil girlfriend out there who Knows" I said sliding me slippers on

"Wait let des come with you and get us food" she said

"No" I replied back quickly

"Oh come on we're gonna be hungry"

"She got her own car don't she" I said looking at her

"Yeaaa but she didn't drive hea and-"

"Ight fine" I said cutting her off walking out the door

I hopped in my car waiting on the lil bitch

When she got in the car I didn't even look at her and just drived off.

It was a whole 15 mins off silence not that I was counting but the audacity

"So is that how you out there treating females" I said after getting fed up

"Whatchu talking about" she said

"After you did what you wanted to do with me and marked me up you just ditched me like am a fucking piece of garbage so am only fucking assuming am not the only one you've done that too" I said as I drove up to a red light finally looking up at her

"I-I, I umm"

"Speak bitch"

"I didn't know you'd want to talk back to me"

"What the fuck you talking bout naw"

"I mean you felt it... Am not a normal girl plus you said you already don't do stud so I assume that fucked it up even more"

"So dats why youun text me?? Caz you assumed" I said

"I guess inno know, fuck"

"You got me over hea thinking am a fucking idiot when you over dhere talking about because you got a dick inno wanna talk to you" I said shaking my head

I pulled into McDonald's parking space and parked turning the car off

"So you cool with me being how I am" she asked eyes filled with hope

"Of course I am but and not kool with you.. fucking ghosted me for a whole damn week on foe em I should fuck yo ass up" I said pulling the door to step out

"Ma am sorry" she said following behind

I walk over to the cashier and gave our order which came shortly

"Hold on lil ma wats your name" a dude came up to me and say.

"Quincy, watchcu want thou" I said

"Lemme get your nah"

"Ok sooo am fucking invisible..you see me ma??Caz I Must be fucking invisible" Des said

"Yo watchcu mean am just Tryna get a link" the dude said

"Quincy come on foe I do sumn am not supposed to" Des said dragging on my arm

"Ight dat how it is den lil ma, I'll see you again"

"Fuck you" Des said as we walked out

"Oop not you jealous" I said smiling at her

"Ain't shit funny Caz inno kno why you even left looking like dat" she said hopping in the driver side

"No you ain't go do that. . . I ain't be telling you wat to wear" I said

"Fuck am sorry, just ain't want you exposing yo self like dat ma'ma"

"Ok" I said

"Let's get home with these food"

It didn't take us long to get home and when we got there dontae was now there.

"What you doing here" I said walking over to him

I got my food and sat down beside him as we shared

"The fuck she looking at me like dat for"don bent down whispering in my ears

"Possessive much" I whispered back

"Huh, you guys fucked?" He said as we continued whispering

"No but we did stuff"

"Yo I met this dude at the party thinking about taking his lil ass on a date or so"

"Oop look at you Tryna get back to dating"

"Inno kno he just gemme dat vybz "

"Lemme see him, he was the one you making out with right?"

"Nah he that's one friend"

"The fuck Dontae? You so fucking messy?"

"Inno kno but he seems so fucking different from any guy or girl I have talked to" he said poping up a pic

"Inno kno but he seems so fucking different from any guy or girl I have talked to" he said poping up a pic

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"Dang he pretty" I said

"Fuck dis" I heard a formular voice said as Desmond got up and walked out the door

I got up and walked out the door to follow behind her

"Hey stop, stop! am Tryna talk to you Desmond"

"Fuck you want" she said and I was a lil bit taken back

"What's wrong why you just leaving like dis?" I said grabbing her hand

But she brushed my hands away

"Ohh* I said backing away from her

"Look inno talk right naw can I just call yuh later or sumn" she said soundly bother

"Umm yea no, you don't have to call or text Matta fact you ain't gotta to do shii, can just leave me alone" I said then ran into the house

"Yo u good" Dontae asked

"Yea am kool, am gonna go sleep wake mi wen vy hea"


Just a lil sumn
Not edited

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