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Quay Pov

I pulled over in a parking lot as he climbed over in my lap. I held onto his waist

"Did you like when he kissed you?" I asked looking at him

"I-I don't know" he answered softly

"Hmm, does he kiss better than me" I asked licking my lips

"No" he said little too quick and I let out a soft chuckle

I gently grabbed his neck and connected our lip
He started kissing me back, fuck his lips are soft, inno think I'll ever get tired of his lips.

I gently bit down on his bottom lip for entry which he quickly gave me and I started exploring his mouth inch by inch and fuck, he taste so good.

He pulled away and licked his lips, it's a good thing he pulled away caz I wasn't for sure gonna, I would have happily suffocated.

He leaned back down and connected our lips again and I let him take control, he licked on my bottom lip and gave him entry to explore, I then pulled away and started trailing down his neck with feather like kisses as he moved to give me more space.

"Hmm uuh" he let out.

His moans sound like music to my ears, I want to hear more so I turn him around and undid his pants button still kissing on his neck.

"Fuck, whatcha you doing Q" he asked

"Watch and see" was all I replied to him.

I inserted my hand in his underwear and stopped for a moment.

"May I continue" I asked him

"Y-Yes please" he said

I dragged down his pants leaving him expose to me.

"It's pretty as fuck" I said as he went to cover his face

"Stop staring you finna make me uncomfortable" he said shying away

"Why should I? it's so pretty" I said

I kissed his neck and pushed one finger in him

"Hghhh fuck"

I then added another and he practically screamed out, I chuckled I started moving my fingers inside him as I watched him enjoy em fingers

"Fuck ughh"

I was I about to pull them out,

"Don't you fucking dare" he said as I chuckled again

"Ight then papa, ride them for me" I said as he started doing as told,

Fuck I ain't never seen nobody ride like this, especially my fingers

"Hghhh" he said as he squirted all over my fingers

"Fuck papa my fingers made you do that huh??" I said as he Covered his face

"Stop covering yo face, look at me" I said to him again

He removed his hands from his face as I pulled him into a kiss and whispered in his ear's

"Your mine now, always have been, always will be, you understand that" I asked as he nodded his head

"Words vy" I said slightly choking him

"Yes, I understand"

"I ain't want nobody touching you, If I do hea of it shit  Amma kill you and the person you got touching you who ain't me" I said kissing him so he doesn't make a unnecessary comment

"What am gonna wear now Quay my pants wet" he said as he buried his face in my neck

"I got some sweats in the back, you wanna come stay with me tonight" I said rubbing his back

"Mhmm, I don't want to move yet" he said as I smiled

"Ight then, Amma just drive like this" I said

"Noo that's dangerous just a few more minutes"

"Q what are we now" he asked

"I only know your mine I don't care bout the labels baby" I said rubbing his back

"Soo I can I say your my boyfriend" he asked

"Vylo I don't care, say whatever you want" I said kissing his neck, I was obsessed

"We can't be public though cause if dad finds out he'll kill you then he'll kill me" he said as I laugh

"Nah he won't but he'll probably cursed the fuck out of us then he'll threaten me, then A-ros will give me a 'talk' then hold me at gun point with a threat, and if something happens then they will kill me caz they always finna be on your side" I said as he laughed

"Stop laughing cause that exactly how it would go they always picking up for you" I said again

"No they don't" he said looking up at me

"Oh really tell me one time you did something you shouldn't have and then said it was me and they did anything to you??" I asked


"Yeah right" I said as he pushed back his head in my neck

"Ight fuck this, am driving like this" I said

"No wait I'll get up and change hollon" he said as he climbed over in the back and put on the sweats and climbed back over putting his legs on me while laying down

"You finna sleep papa" I asked him as I started driving

"Yes don't bother me" he said sleeply

"Yessir" I chuckled

A/NI felt like I wanted to add a photo soo yaahh and their is another image at the top as how I imagined them in the car😫

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I felt like I wanted to add a photo soo yaahh and their is another image at the top as how I imagined them in the car😫.
What y'all think anyways???
Not edited😭😭sorry if there's any mistakes

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