???: P.O.VI grabbed my weapon and got ready to head out. The boss wanted us to find and retrieve a human who had been reported to stay in an area, bringing furries to our camp out there so that way they could come here to safety. She wasn't clear why she wanted us to find him, but the look in her eyes told us that he was very important to her. I despised humans and hoped that I would never have to deal with any humans ever again, yet here I am getting ready to find one.
???: Hey Kelly, are you ready to head out?
I looked at my brother, Travis, and nodded.
Kelly: Yeah, let's get moving.
I grabbed my backpack and followed him to the garage, seeing that the others were waiting for us. There was Frank, a tall and bulky dragon who looked tough but was a softie. Then there was Yumi, she was a shark, a hotheaded shark who would strangle anyone who ticked her off in the slightest. There was also Tom, the mechanic of the group. He was a gearhead, always taking apart things and reassembling them over and over again. Finally, there was me and my brother. I was the medic of the group while my older brother was the leader of the group as well as the marksman.