Death to paperwork

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As a teacher and pro-hero, Shota Aizawa, or Eraserhead is no stranger to mountains of paperwork, but this is a lot even by his standards. Somehow he'd gotten caught up in the ongoing search for the villain Razor, he sat bored wishing he could be in his yellow sleeping bag right now or even grading the class papers anywhere that was not here. The meeting drags on with endless forms to fill out about what they've gathered and Shota wonders once more how he had gotten dragged into this- oh right he had found the villain's most recent house as it was collapsing the shadows seemingly writhing. Luckily Hizashi saves him by loudly interrupting thanking the powers that be for his insanely loud and extroverted cockatoo of a husband, though his relief is short-lived when he learns why he has been saved.

"Sorry to interrupt but one of his students is in the hospital again." And just like that Shotas hopes for a calm evening to talk with his husband about a topic both had been dodging around vanish. Oh well maybe he'll still have some time with his husband after dealing with the paperwork, he has to stifle an audible groan he may secretly love his problem children, but he does not get paid enough to deal with their nightly bullshit. He follows Hizashi to the car and gets in only to be met with the loud man grinning.

"I pulled one of your logical ruses Sho." Hizashi all but shouts, Shota blinks in shock but then chuckles slightly. "I thought we should get a chance to talk and I know you've been busy and got pulled into the case on a technicality." The usually upbeat Hizashi is showing a rare moment of seriousness.

Shota heaves a long sigh Hizashi isn't exactly wrong, "We're just so busy... while I do want a kid who won't vanish the second they're out of our classes, I just feel we wouldn't be able to give them the attention they would need." Hizashi thinks for a while before replying.

"I could step back on the patrols or just solely be on emergency for if they don't have enough heroes to cover patrol, and you could get a TA fairly easily which would free up your time normally spent grading we could make it work." It's clear how much thought he's put into this but he is also willing to respect Shota's wants if he's not ready for a child Hizashi can wait it's far from the end of the world. That being said the enthusiasm and hope he seemed to radiate were practically blinding, making what he wanted very apparent.

"That could work... but we'd have to have some rules if we foster no infants or super little kids, I would agree to foster a teenager or even a tween, below ten is an absolute no though." Hizashi nods it makes complete sense they can't be home all the time so it's best to foster a kid whom they could give a phone to and could trust home alone for an hour or two.

"Fine by me! Should we look at the application to become foster parents?" Shota can't help but pick up the tiniest bit of Hizashis' energy it's impossible not to smile when around him.

"Sounds like a plan Zashi" Shota pauses as he realizes something before groaning audibly.

"What is it Shota? That was insane amounts of emotion from you so what solicited the groan?!" Hizashi asks lightly poking fun at him. 

"This means more paperwork," he says in a tired I'm so done with this tone. Shota grumbles the whole drive back to their apartment about the evils of paperwork and why having so much of it should be a crime. "Death to paperwork," he says vehemently. Hizashi bursts out into a ruckus of laughter and bangs on the dashboard for just a moment, even if it wasn't intentional sometimes Shota could be hilarious. 

When the couple arrives at their apartment which is part of a teacher housing unit they go into the living area Hizashi gets out his laptop and logs on to the tab that has been open for months. The initial application to become foster parents, now that they are for sure on the same page they can fill it out. As they go over the form Shota is mildly nervous, he couldn't protect his friend back in high school what in the world made him think he could protect some child? However, Shota knew all too well the abuse of the world. Some parents are awful, his had been just because he had a villainous quirk, he'd spent most of his teen years homeless he wouldn't wish that on anyone and if this could make one more forgotten kid feel safe it was worth the extra stress even if he would never admit to Hizashi how much he wanted this and why. He'd never gotten around to telling him about his childhood, which would be an awkward conversation at this point.

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