I promise

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Security is called as a fight brews Razor stares angrily at Ren as she cowers behind Hizashi shaking from using her quirk to catch the knives her new Dads seem not to notice, but her father is sneaky so it makes sense that he would have attacks undetectable unless of course you'd gotten used to them through years of torture. Ren's leg screams at her and she glances down to see a small cut she had missed blocking an attack, just as it seems she may lose her new dads, someone comes in and starts fighting her father forcing him to retreat through the window.

Just as quickly as the room had broken into chaos peace returned, almost. Ren's leg buckles, giving out, and she is sent tumbling though Hitoshi catches her at the last minute. Ren whimpers as the leg spasms though it doesn't escape the notice of anybody in the room that she isn't crying. Someone with an amazing healing quirk has mostly healed Shota and he sits up looking at Ren. Hizashi is looking between his loved ones in worry wanting to make certain that none of them are in life-threatening danger from their new injuries. 

"Hey Toshi can you bring Ren over here please?" Hitoshi nodded carefully picking Ren up as if she were made of glass and depositing her on the bed next to Dad, he wondered why Dad wanted Ren but he got his answer as she hugged him tight, though her quirk seemed to be making the shadows in the corners of the room writhe Hitoshi doesn't think that's a good sign. 

"Hey Ren do you want help calming down?" Ren knows what Hitoshis quirk is and how it activates so it's up to her whether or not he uses his quirk to aid her in calming down.

"Y-yes please." Ren stutters out and Hitoshi activates his quirk forcing her to stop hyperventilating and going through everything so she is comfortably nestled at Dad's side, leg propped up and freshly bandaged. Ren shudders squeezing Dad's arm even tighter.

"Shh hey breathe kiddo, I'm fine and so are you, he won't touch you," Shota says softly running his hand through Ren's hair.  Ren looks up at Shota nose running and eyes red from crying.

"R-really? You mean it?" There's so much hope in Ren's voice and desperation for reassurance that he would be okay.

"I promise nothing and no one will take you away from us we're not going anywhere." Ren loosens her grip on his arm just a smidge letting her head fall on his shoulder and eyes droop closed. Though she stubbornly clings to the land of the waking terrified at the thought of falling asleep only to wake up to her new Dad missing. Shota for his part continues to stroke her hair and whisper promises of safety until the weariness fades and Rens's breath falls into the steady pattern of sleep. Only when he's certain the movement won't wake Ren he sits up eating the food that had been brought in for him while he really isn't all that hungry Hizashi would be insistent that he eat this way avoiding much nagging and frustration. 

"Hey, Dad... how bad did Ren mess up her leg again they made us leave the room for that part. Also how bad are you messed up?" Shota looks up to see Hitoshi looking like he's about to cry as he watches Ren sleep and Hizashi who isn't much better nervously glancing between his husband and child every few seconds before glancing out the window. Shota sighed this was not going to be easy to explain to Hitoshi or Hizashi.

"Firstly me since I'm the easier one, I got healed right when I got here and nothing hit me in his surprise attack I will have to do some light physical therapy but other than that I got out unscathed. Ren on the other hand... She undid all her progress and then some plus the slip in control of her quirk gave her a couple of new scars the doctors did what they could to mitigate but it's safe to say she's never going to be able to walk without an aid of some kind." Hizashi inhales sharply at this news but also seems to relax a bit.

"Additionally she's probably not doing very well in the mental health department right now, I don't like taking more time off patrol especially because we're supposed to go back to teaching soon but I think it's best if I stay with her for a while." Hizashi nods in agreement noticing that Hitoshi is crying silently.

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