Leave it to the rat

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Let it never be said that he takes advantage of his status as Nezu's personal student and arguably one of his favorite humans. He stays in his lane and does his job never once asking him to handle the quirk discrimination or overthrow any powerful figures. He had even promised himself never to ask the rat for help because if he did hell would be unleashed upon those who dared so much as glance at Nezu's pup wrong. That being established let it also never be said that he half-assed it when it came to punishing those who harmed his family.

Aizawa emails the rat, he wants every single person who has ever hurt Ren to feel the chimera's wrath, and his anger seeps into the words making him go on irrational tangents and use some of the colorful language he avoids most of the time. The email tells Nezu everything and he knows that means that Nezu is going to want to meet the kids, which he can oblige as long as they're okay with it. Anger on hurt children's behalf is something that every UA staff member has the capacity for in spades but especially Nezu, Aizawa is confident hell would freeze over before Nezu lets anyone raise a paw, hoof, hand, or anything else against those he cares about. 

Nezu's smile widens when he receives the email, he can most definitely dig some dirt up on the parents of Ren and on the previous foster parents of Shinso Hitoshi. It's been a while since he was able to dissect the worst of the human race truly, this is going to be fun and of course, he will keep his student well informed he deserves to be included in the fun of destroying some monsters.

Shota hears a yawn and Rens eyes slowly blink open trying to rid themselves of their sleepiness. He had expected her to pull away but she doesn't, quite the opposite Ren lets go of Silver in favor of hugging his arm tighter.  Shota looked over and saw that her leg had fallen off of the wedge pillow it had been resting on.

"You want some help there kiddo?" Ren nods and Shota moves her leg back onto the pillow, he notices that Hizashi is absent from the sofa where he had been sleeping. He's probably up to make breakfast and then Shota glances around to find Hitoshi seeing him curled up under a blanket still asleep with his head leaning on Shota's leg. He grabs his phone since Ren doesn't seem to be in any hurry to get up, break ends in less than a week so he has been planning where she's going to be throughout the day.  

He has three students he wouldn't mind leaving her with briefly once she settles in, they're the only three he didn't expel this time around. Neijire, Mirio, and Tamaki show decent promise as future heroes, and they (except for Tamaki) excel at the interpersonal aspects of heroism they've dealt with trauma victims during internships so they should know how to handle Ren. Plus he and Hizashi had decided despite Hizashi only teaching English Ren shouldn't be with him he has different students each period and full classes. The exception of course is Shota's class and his free period. Though all plans are subject to change, so far Ren seems to flit between who she wants nearby though Hitoshi is a safe bet. Her wanting Hitoshi nearby and the fact that Hitoshi had finally opened up and started talking with her about complicated things further, as the logical move is to keep them together as much as he can because it's mutually beneficial.

But then there's the problem that Hitoshi still needs to do school. However, that reminds him to set up a meeting with the principal to discuss why Hitoshi is always coming home with bruises from 'falling' and saying that he accidentally destroyed his notebook when sometimes the way the notebook was destroyed was something he couldn't have done. 

Hizashi comes back into the living room with two plates of food and a cup of coffee depositing the coffee with Shota before gently nudging Hitoshi awake

"Hey, Hitoshi it's time for breakfast I made some chocolate chip pancakes." Hitoshi slowly sits up stretching before holding his hands out for the plate. He had been annoyed at getting woken up but Papa had made pancakes which erased every ounce of frustration he may have harbored.  He takes a couple of bites they're soft and fluffy, when he notices Ren peeking curiously at the food he tears off a bit and offers it to her. 

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