episode 2: the wrath of ghost tarantula

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one morning at x city, tilde was training with ghost tarantula. then, two hours later, v slayed ghost tarantula, leaving bakugan blood everywhere.

then unsurprisingly, ghost tarantula came back from the dead. all the people ran away from ghost tarantula, from the rampage. even team yggdrasil ran away, screaming like a dilophosaur. chip tried to destroy ghost tarantula, but it was no use. "SOMEONE STOP THIS GHOST TARANTULA FROM RAMPAGING!" shouted chip, pulling out a gun from his pocket.

chip shot ghost tarantula, but it was no use. ghost tarantula kills chip (but chip didn't die) and started a troublesome rampage. soon, meiko and ichigo, the mascot ai were shocked to see ghost tarantula's reaminated body. "is ghost tarantula alive or something? SOME ONE SLAY HER!" said maiden.

ghost tarantula almost killed everyone in the city, and people cannot kill ghost tarantula because she can walk through walls like a ghost. "I AM GODESS AND SOON I WILL BRING ETERNAL DEATH TO THE WORLD!" roared ghost tarantula. she got up x tower and did not realised there was a radioactive laser system that phrobits you going to the x tower if you are not a pro blader.


but ghost tarantula deflected the laser anyway.

ghost tarantula then started to destroy the x tower, where the pro bladers gather. all the bladers scream. the male announcer leaves. and the opponents flee. suddenly, cho pan of team zooganic had an idea. she planned an idea of a device, called the ghost trap. time is running out.

a few minutes later, cho and her teammates, king and toguro placed the ghost trap near ghost tarantula. it then trapped ghost tarantula and cho pan found out she was controlled by the mysterious v. dan came to attack v and the battle raged for hours and hours and centuries. then v got injured and ran away.

at the end, everyone cheered for dan and team zooganic and the news came up. "hi, i'm the announcer here. this is baku-news and today, we got a report. team zooganic has saved the world from ghost tarantula!" said the announcer.

later, tilde could not forget and she realised that ghost tarantula got brainwashed by v. ghost tarantula apoligised for the rampage and soon tilde reunites with ghost.

the end

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