episode 9: the rampage and the secret

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at x city, thousands of people were running away in fear. the bakugans and the beyblades were rampaging all under v's controll. soon, a shark edge lept from a river chomping down a ship, leaving it destroyed and infecting a crocodile bakugan, leaving it brainwashed and rampaging.

at the tournament, nillious and dran sword 3-80b revealed dragonoid and hells scythe's secret: they both let the bey avatars and the bakugans from vestroia into earth. "ATTENTION BAKUGANS, HUMANS AND BEYBLADES!! DRAGO AND HELLS SCYTHE DECIEVED US ALL! HELLS AND DRAGO ARE THE TWO REASON THAT THE BAKUGANS AND THE BEYBLADES WENT TO EARTH!!!" said nillious. "YOU TWO! THINK ABOUT WHEN THE PORTAL MALFUNCTIONED AND DRAGGED US BAKUGANS AND BEYBLADES ALL IN! WHO MADE THAT HAPPEN? DRAGO AND HELLS SCYTHE!!!!"

drago and hells scythe were surprised that they set the portal open. people started throwing trash at hells scythe and dragonoid. "ISSAT TRUE HELLS SCYTHE?" said a centaur-themed beyblade. "GIVE US THE TRUTH!!!!" said a demon bakugan. "ANSWER THE QUESTION, PLEASE!" said a beyblade that looks like a humanoid monster with 6 legs and a scorpion tail. "JUST GIVE US THE TRUTH!!!" said a wyvern-like bakugan.

"here's the truth. we can't take back what we have done. we gained nothing coming to this planet and us beyblades reunite with humans." said hells scythe. "beating other bakugans has allowed us to evolve and that is an important thing because one day, we can grow stronger." said dragonoid.

"'NOUGH!!!" said nillious and dran sword 3-80b. "YOU TWO HAD TRICKED US ALL. YOU TWO HAD TORN US AWAY FROM OUR PLANET. YOU TWO HAD A LOTTA TROUBLE BRINGING THOSE BAKUGANS AND BEYBLADES. SO WE WON'T FORGIVE YOU TWO!!!!" soon, people kept throwing trash and stuff like that at drago and hells scythe, as a punishment.

"this is bad. this is a short-lived victory!" said multi.

"we gotta stop this!" said mia ono.

suddenly, a very loud noise came and the virus started infecting a lot of bakugan and some of the beyblades. the beyblades' avatar came out and start rampaging like crazy. "EVERYONE RUN AND SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIENTLEY!!!!!" said hells scythe.

everyone ran and hid. even the bakugans and beyblades. meanwhile at x tower, chrome ryugu and king manju were discussing all about the rampage. "so when did the rampage happen?" said chrome ryugu. " maybe a few months ago-" said king. when a bakugan was trying to destory x tower, chrome ryugu called "EVACUATE THE X TOWER IMMEDIENTLY!!!".

the people on the 75th floor were screaming when a samurai bakugan was destroying a floor on the x tower. "THIS IS BREAKING NEWS! BAKUGANS AND BEYBLADES ARE RAMPAGING ALL AROUND BAKUGAN CTY AND X CITY!!!!!!." said the news reporter.

soon the clan leaders and the team leaders and members showed up.

"why can't you help us?" said dan.

"yeah, this is important!!!" said bird.

"'cause you got us into this trouble." said cho.

"drago started this revolution!" said ace.

"it's all your fault, hells scythe!" said burn.

"and we won't help a traitor like you two!" said function.

"so no one is helping us?" said dan. "then we are battling on our own!!"

drago and hells scythe went outside, fighting the rampaging bakugan.

the end

ps: i got the inspiration from bakugan gen 3 episode 6 part 2 when nillious is revealing drago's secret and drago gets punished.

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