~ chap. 1 ~

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"Hoon, aren't you excited for school to start?" Niki asked over the phone.

"You actually went to middle school and the first three years of high school at Hybe Academy." Sunghoon groaned. "I'm a new student."

"Relax, Sunghoon!" Niki laughed. "There's gonna be so many new students, don't you know?"

"Of course I know, but... I get nervous around people." Sunghoon muttered. "You actually have friends and stuff. And besides- I'm jumping right into my senior year of high school! That's a strange time to join a new school."

"So what?" Niki said. "I can introduce my friends to you. Besides, Hoon, everyone is gonna want to be friends with you, do you even know how good looking you are?"

"Don't even say that," Sunghoon held back a grin. "you're over flattering me."

"More like under flattering. You're stunning." Niki smirked.

"Okay, okay." Sunghoon finally grinned. "Thanks, Niki. It means a lot to have a friend as caring as you."

"No problem.. And same to you, Hoon." Niki said. "I have to do chores for my mom now. Call you later?"


Sunghoon sighed as he placed his phone on his nightstand.

Niki's words sure did help, in the moment at least. Sunghoon was nervous as hell. He wasn't exactly the social type.

In fact, he's very introverted.

Last time he was a new student, he didn't even get to make friends with anyone until the second year he went to that school.

But, as Niki said, it was no joke he was extremely good looking. He didn't want to compliment himself but it was true. Even though that may be the case, people always value personality more than looks.. And Sunghoon isn't mean or anything, but as stated prior, he's anti social.

Sunghoon just groaned as he started playing his "Hopeless romantic" playlist on Spotify.

The song "Kingston" started playing first.

Oh, how Sunghoon adored this song.

"The day that I met you, I started dreaming."


It's already the first day of his new school.

It's strange how this day came so quick. It felt like yesterday when Sunghoon exited the big red doors of his old school.

Niki almost sprinted to him,

"Hoon! There you are!" Niki pulled Sunghoon into a hug.

"Hi Niki." Sunghoon smiled, struggling to breathe from Niki's bone crushing hug.

"What's your first class?" Niki asked.

"I forgot.. I'll check my schedule now." Sunghoon pulled out the crumpled and folded piece of colored paper from his pocket.

"Uh, chemistry."

"Ugh, really?" Niki jokingly pouted. "I have algebra first."

"Ew.. I hate math." Sunghoon said.

"Eh, whatever. What's second period for you?" Niki asked.

"Social studies."

"No way! Me too." Niki smiled. "See you at social studies."

"See you, Niki." Sunghoon smiled at the brightness of Niki. He's always so happy.

The two best friends parted their ways for their classes.

the day that i met you, i started dreaming. (heehoon)Where stories live. Discover now