~ chap. 3 ~

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The next day at school, Sunghoon couldn't even bare to look Heeseung in the eyes.

Every time he accidentally did, his heart would start racing and his stomach would start fluttering. He can't wrap his finger around whether he has a crush or not! A crush after only one day sounds strange, but then again dreaming about a random guy you found cute after barely talking with him is also extremely strange, so Sunghoon shouldn't be too nit picky.

"Hoon?" Heeseung called out in third period, one of the classes without Niki. "Sunghoon."

Why is he not responding? Sunghoon shouldn't be ignoring Heeseung like this for his own problems.

"W-what?..." Sunghoon asked, not looking away from his textbook.

"Did I do something wrong? It seems like you're ignoring me or something."

"I-" Sunghoon paused. He didn't mean to be a baby about this or anything but having to come clean and talk about it with Heeseung makes him want to cry. It's just too stressful. That stupid dream made it so that Sunghoon can't even look at Heeseung.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel that way." Sunghoon finally replied, still not turning his head to Heeseung's direction.

"Look at me, Hoon." Heeseung said.

Sunghoon reluctantly turned his head and looked into Heeseung's eyes, immediately feeling waves in his stomach. He imagined sitting in Heeseung's lap as he gently kissed Sunghoon everywhere.

"I can't even look at him..." Sunghoon thought. "I hope I'm not blushing."

Sure enough, Sunghoon was bright red and Heeseung saw it. It was easy to see how flushed Sunghoon's face got because of his beautifully fair skin.

"Are you okay? You're so red." Heeseung commented.

Sunghoon raised his hand in a flash.

"Yes, Sunghoon?" The teacher said.

"May I go to the bathroom, please?"

"Uh, sure."

Sunghoon then stormed out of the classroom, face even redder than before.

"What did I do?" Heeseung thought.


Sunghoon ran to the restroom like a mess.

"I'm so stupid, why would I do that!?" He thought.

He just stayed in the bathroom and thought about pretty much everything for a little bit before returning back to the classroom, not even batting an eye towards Heeseung's direction.

After that class, he ran to his best friend.

"Niki! I know we don't have much time until our next class starts, but I really need to talk to you about something!"

"Oh my gosh, sure, what is it?" Niki replied, slightly concerned.

"Last night I dreamt about Heeseung and I, and he was telling me that he loves me and kissing me and stuff and now I can't even look at him, because whenever I do I think of that dream!" Sunghoon blurted, leaving Niki jaw dropped in front of him.

"Oh my gosh, why didn't you tell me sooner!?" Niki said, disappointed. "You seriously had a dream about your crush kissing you?"

"Hey! What do you mean crush? I don't have a crush on him..." Sunghoon argued.

"Mhm, sure. You can't have a dream of someone kissing  you unless you have a crush on them. Having a dream about your crush kissing you is literally a sign that they're always on your mind, trust me, I know."

the day that i met you, i started dreaming. (heehoon)Where stories live. Discover now