~ chap. 5 ~

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After a bit, Sunghoon returned to the bedroom, meeting Heeseung who had an interesting expression plastered on his face.

"What's wrong, Seung?" He asked playfully. "Also, where did Niki go?"

"Uh, he hung up." Heeseung replied awkwardly. "Also..."

He was gonna ask Sunghoon to talk, but instead, what came out was...
"Your clothes are in the wash."

"Oh, um, thanks!" Sunghoon smiled. "You do seem weird though, is anything wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong!" Heeseung let out a breathy chuckle. "I just have a bit on my mind."
"Did Niki really fuck up your mind that much?" Sunghoon giggled.

"Maybe," Heeseung smiled.

The melodic tune of the washing machine started, which was the perfect cue for Heeseung to leave the room and retrieve Sunghoon's uniform.

"Gosh, what did Niki say?" Sunghoon wondered.


Heeseung found Sunghoon in the kitchen, just standing next to the counters.
"Ah, there you are." Heeseung sighed. "I folded your uniform and put in your backpack. Is that fine?"

"Yeah, thank you!" Sunghoon smiled.

"But..." Heeseung paused. "Can we talk real quick?"

"Of course." Sunghoon replied nervously. He really didn't like the tone of Heeseung's voice there, it made him feel like he did something wrong. Which he didn't, right?

"So, uh, I really don't think I was supposed to hear this but, Niki slipped out that you've been having... dreams." Heeseung said. He observed how Sunghoon's eyes grew wide and his mouth fell open. 

"I..." Sunghoon took a couple of steps back. "I- I'm sorry... I swear, I can't help it."

"Sunghoon," Heeseung got cut off.
"Please don't be mad at me, Seung." Sunghoon whimpered. Heeseung saw his eyes tear up and his lip quivering. "I didn't tell you because I thought you wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore."

"Hoon, why would I not want to be friends with you because of some dreams you can't control?" Heeseung said reassuringly. His heart was aching severely from seeing Sunghoon look so helpless.

"Because it's weird." Sunghoon said, about to lift up his hand to wipe away his tears, but Heeseung beat him to it. The latter cupped Sunghoon's fair face and used his thumb to gently wipe away the tears.

"It's not weird, and I'm not mad." Heeseung said in a gentle tone. "And I don't want this to change anything between us. I really like you, Sunghoon."

However, Sunghoon didn't look relieved from this statement. "You're just saying that, I know you're weirded out."
"I'm not. I really do like you." Heeseung said seriously.
"Yeah, but we don't like each other in the same way!" Sunghoon slipped out, and then turned his head away from Heeseung's grasp.

"W-what?" Heeseung said.
"Never mind." Sunghoon muttered. "Pretend I didn't say anything."

"No, we do like each other the same way." Heeseung said confidently.
"I don't mean it in the way that we like each other in different levels, I mean in different ways! Like, you like me as a friend, and..." Sunghoon sighed.

"I know."  Heeseung didn't budge. Sunghoon's mouth fell open once again.
"I really like you, not as a friend." Heeseung said.

"Really?" Sunghoon whimpered. "You're not just saying that?"

"Of course not, Hoon." He smiled and pulled Sunghoon closer. "I don't just say things. I know I like you."

"I don't believe you." Sunghoon pouted.

the day that i met you, i started dreaming. (heehoon)Where stories live. Discover now