~ Chapter Thirty Eight: The Mole ~

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"Master Bruce, I do believe this is the second time we've been around this block," Alfred looked into the backseat through his mirror. "We really should be heading back," "Selina likes to hang out here. It's worth doubling back," Bruce said, not turning his gaze away from the tinted window. "Besides, you got what you wanted. I went out of town like you asked. For weeks," Alfred could only nod in agreement. "Yeah, well... It wasn't safe here, was it?" The butler sighed.

"The assassins weren't after me and Holly. They were after Selina," Bruce insisted. "We were just in the wrong place at the wrong time," "Yeah, and we'll be back on that plane straight back to the bloody Alps at the first sign of trouble, I tell you," Alfred swore. The second the car came to a stop, Bruce opened the door without another thought, tightly clutching the top of the brown paper bag in his fist. "Master Bruce? Master Bruce! Get back in the car now!" Alfred shouted as he opened up his umbrella and ran after him.

"Can we walk around the block just once?" Bruce asked. "Then I'll get back in the car, I promise. Please, Alfred," The butler closed his eyes momentarily as he pondered the boy's request. "Once around the block and then home," he finally caved. Bruce nodded appreciatively as they continued walking down the damp sidewalk. "Got the rest of your life like that to get whipped into a frenzy by the females. I don't know why you want to start now," Alfred muttered. "It's not like that," the young boy insisted.

Just as they walked through the small crowd, Bruce bumped into someone who nearly knocked him down but luckily caught himself. As he turned around, the person who bumped into him also turned around with a scowl. "Ivy?" Bruce inquired. "Steady, Master Bruce. Looks like she's got the mange," Alfred warned, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Look who it is. Billionaire Bruce Wayne," Ivy crowed. "Who are you, his bodyguard?" she looked towards Alfred. "If needs be, miss, yes," Alfred answered bluntly.

"What's in the bag?" Ivy asked. "It's for Selina. Have you seen her?" Bruce inquired. Ivy nodded, offering to give Selina the bag if he wanted her to. "Perhaps you could pass on a message for me. Tell her I'm looking for her," the boy requested. Ivy held out her hand, telling him she'd do him the favor, but only if he gave her twenty bucks. "Alfred," Bruce spoke, not breaking his gaze. With a quiet sigh, Alfred reached into his wallet and handed the girl the twenty dollars. And with a satisfied nod, Ivy walked off.

"Delightful friends you have, Master Bruce," Alfred muttered. Giving a subtle glare at Alfred, he and Alfred got back in the car. Even if Bruce wasn't able to give Selina her present, thanking her for saving his and Holly's lives, there was still something else he needed to do. But as the youngster was about to open his mouth, Alfred seemingly read his mind. "Shall we pay a visit to Ms. Gordon once school lets out?" a tiny smile spread on the butler's face. "Yeah, we should," Bruce nodded, continuing to look out the rain-pelted window as they drove out of the Narrows.


"Hey Nat, it's been a while," Cara said as she and Holly set down their trays. Natasha's eyes widened slightly before squinting as the bright afternoon light peered through the cafeteria windows. "Hey Car, it really has," She replied, her voice a mixture of skepticism and worry. Holly could feel the uneasiness settling over them like a dark cloud, threatening to strike lightning upon them. The girls tried their best to break the ice, but no matter what either of them said, it was no use as Natasha remained silent and went back to working on her sketches.

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