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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

"Do not lose hope, nor be sad."
Quran (3:139)

Tales Of The Heart could come in different forms. My story might be different from yours, her story may be similar to yours, our stories could be the same as yours.


The Past.
I lost my mother at a tender age. I was raised by my father and older siblings alongside my favorite girl in the world, Aysha Imaan Fu'ad. Our mothers were twins and we lost them in an accident, we were young girls then. My Father took in Imaan under his wing and raised us together as twins from different parents. She's the absolute love of my life. Everyone says we look alike though i'm slimmer and taller. I love to dance, my elder sister Hanifa whom everyone calls Lina says I have two left feet although surprisingly with my two left feet I danced far better than she and Imaan did which turns my assumption that I'm the best into a fact.

The Present.
My family moved to the UK from Nigeria, leaving behind my eldest brother. We spent several years there before returning home and starting a new life afresh. My Father recently re-married and our new mum came with a daughter, her name's Muneerah and she's taller than both I and Imaan. I got admission into my parents' alma mater. It's always been my dream to follow in their footsteps. It's been long since I met the people I knew from my past, even my Father's best friend's family. Unlike Imaan, I was never a sucker for studying and stressing myself so I went for a course that wasn't complicated in school. Then I got married.

The Future.
Whoever said life was filled with nothing but roses and smiles should be given a clap for being so sarcastic. Life could be bitter, life could be amazing, life could be cruel, life could be sweet, life could be miserable but it could also be so beautiful you find it hard to deal with.
But at the end of the day it's worth it because you chose which path of fate you want to follow.

I lived a life worth living and I am proud of it.


The Past.
The accident that took our mothers' lives made me realise so many things at a tender age; like who genuinely loved and cared about me, where I belonged and where I did not, and so many more. My father's house didn't feel like home anymore, I felt like I was living Cinderella's life at a very young age until my Uncle Maleek took me to his home where I knew I belonged much more than I ever did in my own Father's home.

The Present.
After our return to Nigeria, Amaani and I were given the choice to pick our desired institutions and she went for ABU zaria while I was surprised by Uncle Maleek whom I refer to as Daddy like everyone else with the ticket to study what I wanted more than anything in the Academic Centre for Dentistry in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It was a dream come true for me but not all dreams come to life sometimes and I learnt that the hard way. One of the highlights of my life was getting married to the man I love more than life itself. I'm one big lucky girl.

The Future.
Have you ever heard about heartbreak? I have.

Yay or Nay?

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