Chapter 7|the trip home II

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The first two days in Uncle Ahmad's residence we both weren't too comfortable with the guys until the third day when all hell broke loose. Being a guy's girl I'm used to male friends, I have lots of them.

I decided to befriend the recluse and badgered him thoroughly into agreeing to teach me a few things about driving.

So what if I'm 16?

Imaan was literally infatuated with Mujahid because he was on the path to becoming a Doctor. He was like an Angel in her eyes while Ya Umar was infatuated with Imaan. That's one funny thing really.

During the day we go out, Ya Umar takes us to places we've never been to while in the mornings after breakfast I force Ya Maleek to speak more than a few words. Mujahid loves talking about his studies so whenever Imaan and I aren't together, you know where to find us. Munee too was always tagging along while Maama and Mommy were always busy in their room. At night we hang around together with Uncle Ahmad when he's around.

"It's sad that you guys are only going to be here for a week." Munee rolled over the bed with a sigh. Mommy decided that Munee was staying here while we went traipsing to our family all over the North. "Not gonna lie but i'm definitely missing ya."

I caught Imaan's subtle eye roll and hid my smile.

"I'm definitely going to miss you too Munee."

Imaan rolled her eyes twice while mock puking soundlessly behind Munee's back.

The smile I was hiding escaped in the form of a full blown laughter. That girl knows how to hold grudges.

On the 6th day Ya A graced us with his presence. This time around when I flew into his embrace Imaan stayed behind, welcomed him with a large smile and watched as Munee gave him a side hug.

"Our country's treating you right I believe?" He asked, every time we talk it seems like he grows older. Like now, there was something about him that makes him look so mature.

Maybe it's the way he carries himself with so much confidence, or maybe it was because of the aura of authority he exudes at 25. Either ways I felt safe knowing he was near.

As it always is when Ya A's around Imaan's attention took a turn from listening to Mujahid speaking to focusing wholly on Ya A. Those two were like a china teacup set, where the cup goes, the saucer goes.

I had to pinky swear Imaan into hiding my driving lessons from him but the moment I got deep into conversation with him I rambled all about it while she giggled, claiming the words, "I knew you couldn't keep a secret to save your life."

Funny enough he let us continue because apparently he has faith in Ya Maleek's driving.

When we were leaving for Gombe, Ya Umar took us to the airport, couldn't help himself from giving Imaan a very brief side hug and wished us a safe trip.

I saw something definitely brewing there but I kept shut because Ya A was around and for some reason, he wasn't in the mood and so I let it slide until we were alone.



Daddy is an only child.

His mother, Hajiya Babba whom Lina was named after. Yes, a very old woman bears the name Hanifah. You're shocked? I was shocked when I learned about that too and got even more shocked when I saw her in the flesh after several years.

She wasn't frail, old yeah but not weak limbed. The woman was beautiful, must have slayed hearts when she was younger, old age treated her good too. Daddy got his height from her.

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