Chapter 5|a turning point.

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Amaani (15 years old)


Last year Daddy remarried, his mother, our grandma demanded it of him and he was introduced to our new Mommy. Her actual name is Suhayla and she is Maama's younger sister, Maama is Uncle Ahmad's wife. There was no extravagant ceremony, she was escorted to her new home by Maama, Uncle Ahmad himself and her 15 year old daughter Muneerah whom everyone calls Munee.

Muneerah was named after Maama and the girl was wrapped wholly around Maama's finger because she was literally the daughter she never had. It was quite obvious that the woman doted on her.

Imaan and I were of course overexcited and giddy over having more people around. Lina not so much and her opinion never ever wavered.

Mommy isn't really the affectionate type we thought she would be, she's not one for coddling or listening to our stories. Rather, she's like a formidable force in the house whose mere presence could cut your laughter short.

We were used to having things done our way, getting all we wanted and doing things how we deemed was proper until it all changed.

One time I heard Lina muttering "our very own Duchess Rowena" after the said woman demanded we store our new bicycles away in the shed because an accident occurred with Munee getting in my way while I was trying to best Imaan at a racing game. Duchess Rowena is the wicked stepmother in 'Barbie in the 12 dancing princesses' by the way.

How could I know that Munee would decide to take the step that took her on my path after we made it clear that we were using the area for our race? Well it ended up a bit nasty, both of us fell but she got the brunt of the fall because I was wearing knee pads and a helmet (Ya A got them for us). Munee got a few scrapes on her elbow and her lower lip cut open. She wailed like a baby and when Mommy came marching down the steps Lina followed right after like my very own knight in shining armor.

It occurred to me that I was never appreciative of Lina enough until at that moment because she stood up for me when Mommy shouted at the top of her lungs accusing me of trying to kill her only child.

Said 'child' was older than me.

I couldn't believe it, she forbade the use of both bicycles, took Munee to the hospital and grounded myself and Imaan. We were rendered speechless after that.

When Daddy returned home that night we were summoned to his study and actually got reprimanded. Normally, Daddy listens to every side of a story before making a decision but not that night.

Imaan and I cried ourselves to sleep and Lina was the only one to console us.

That was two months ago.


"She what?" I yelled, taking off my jacket and flinging it to the nearest furniture. It dropped on a table.

"She seized my phone." Imaan shrugged like it was nothing.

"Over what exactly?"

"Amaani I have no idea, one minute I was laughing over a joke Ya A was sharing with me and the next Munee was telling me that Mommy was asking for me. I cut the call and went to her room, all she did was wordlessly stretch her hand and point at my phone. I handed it over and well that was the end." Imaan shrugged again.

Mind you, when Imaan shrugs too much it's a sign that shows she cares, once might mean she doesn't really care but this is the third time she shrugged over it.

"I can't believe it." I groaned, we might be young but come on everyone knows who likes him and who doesn't. Mommy only liked us the first two months and I could bet my whole savings that it was pretense.

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