Meeting 'Jackie'

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Estelle's (Jackie's) POV ~ Here I am , sitting in the airport , alone this time , last time I was here I was with my uncle Richard waiting for the Walter parents , bringing them into London for the funeral. Guilt was hitting me like a brick wall , I'm entering a family after allowing all of mine to die , still here as the only one left. Survivors guilt really is a thing.

My phone buzzed in my pocket as I awaited the Walter's approachal , they'd flew to London so I wasn't flying to Colorado alone. I've never travelled by myself , I'm only 16. I pulled my phone out of my joggers pocket , the airport outfit was real , a beige tracksuit and white crocs , hair in a slick back bun and barely any makeup. I looked as awful as I felt. My uncle Richard was calling me , I answered and he hurries to say "I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to travel with you today , you know how busy works been love , the Walter's are a good family trust me , they'll treat you well , call me as soon as you can when you get there." I reassured him that i'm okay and said goodbye , pulling my airpods out of my pocket , ready to put music on to calm down this stressful day as an auburn haired women rushed around the corner , it was Katherine , swiftly following her was her chocolate haired husband , George. She embraced me in a warm hug , I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her , this was my first time in years seeing her , ofcourse apart from a few months ago for my family's funeral. Atleast now was for positive reasons , however i'm not feeling so positive about meeting her family. 10 kids , 9 boys , 1 girl. I can only imagine how annoying a younger sister will be.

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