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Cole and I got home at around 6pm , full from our Mcdonald's and nothing to do , as far as I know he's sat in his room right now. I throw on a charcoal grey tracksuit and my black fuzzy uggs , it's really warm during the day here but at night it's so cold. I begin to head downstairs , my phone in hand ready to go call my uncle as I still haven't done it and it's coming up to my second night here.

Jordan shoots past me on the stairs flashing his camera in my face , joking around stating "and here we have , a wild Estella heading down the stairs disguised as a rock" rudely referring to my grey outfit. Before I could inform him that my name is infact Estelle and not Estella , a familiar voice calls out "It's just Estelle Jordan"
Cole? I thought to myself , he calls me 'London' 24/7  who's he to correct my name to anyone? I continue on my journeys looking for Katherine or George to let them know i'm going on a short walk to call Richard. George was sat at the island in the kitchen on the phone to a work colleague i'm assuming , I unscrambled a piece of paper that sat on the island , drawings of flowers and hearts covering one side and I quickly wrote on the other side 'going for a walk to call my uncle' George scanned the piece of paper and sent me a nod and a wave as I grabbed a bottle of water and headed out.

I have no idea where I am or where i'm going , I got off the phone to Richard about 5 minutes ago and have decided to keep walking. I might aswell go on some adventures at this place. A light drizzle of rain showered over my head , my mouth was dry and the small bottle of water I brought got guzzled down before I even called me uncle. Sticks snapped beneath my boots and the smell of summer rain ran through my nostrils. This is horrible , all i'm surrounded by is trees , lots of trees , and they're white. Weird. I pulled my phone out of pocket , swiping the droplets of rain off the top of it onto my pants and when I was about to ring Danny I remembered he was at the movies with Lee and Nathan. Fuck. I have to call Cole , I don't want to worry Katherine and George.

"Hey London what's up?"
"Erm" "I'm lost."
"What , where?"
"If i knew where i was i wouldn't be lost would i Colorado , use your brain"
"Send me your location , i'm coming"

I walked around , trying to find the road Cole would be driving from or anything , just more trees. Nothing. This place is like a maze. I leaned against a tree , it's only been 10 minutes since I called Cole but i'm so boredd. I close my eyes , resting my head back on the tree , i'm not sure if dozed off or not but my eyes shot open and i felt a breath hitch against my face , Cole. "You okay?" he asked. "Yeah , can we go it's freezing" I replied. He peeled his denim jacket off , pulled my hood over my head and wrapped the jacket around me , his arm gliding past my shoulder and instead of moving his arms away after placing the jacket on me , he lets his arm sit , comfortably on my shoulder and we begin walking to the car. Or atleast that's what i thought. "Where's the car" I asked   "Like 5 minutes away but we're going on a little stroll"
"Can i ask you something?" I asked again   "Ask away London"
"What was that thing about earlier , when we was near the lake?"
"Nothing." he replied bluntly
Why is he being weird? He's the one who was about to kiss me but pulled away and instead called me beautiful , now he's acting like it never happened. We made our way back to the car , I placed his jacket on my lap and grabbed my cardigan from the back that i'd left earlier , throwing it around me for warmth. Cole drove off , silence , not awkward , not angry , just silence.

Colorado                                         (Cole Walter and Jackie Howard)Where stories live. Discover now