Red lacy underwear

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The family had left about 10 minutes ago , I was about half an hour into my painting , the research side of it was simple. Just some quick googles on a random Italian man who draws landscapes and im now onto my recreation. It was slowly getting darker and I didn't like the awakrd lighting so I shut my curtains , grabbed some batteries to put in my fairy lights and switched my sunset lamp on , a golden glow lit up my room , I was painting a night sky anyway so I didn't need much light for details or features. I threw on an old pale pink hoodie over my vest , not worrying to get it messy and kept my bottom half as it was , silky black shorts and fuzzy slippers. I pulled up my desk stool to one of the blank canvases that lightly scattered the corner of my room and began painting.

I was finishing off the stars in the sky , about the add some buildings and trees in the distance when the brighter orange light that previously luminated my room suddenly turned off. My room dimmened , however the fairy lights I had tangled along my desk stayed , creating a decent amount of light in the room. We must've had a power cut , I think , as the wifi on my phone turns off. My door crashes open , and a pissed off looking Cole waltzes into my room , a flashlight beaming from the back of his phone. He quickly turns his torch off as he notices the light that shone in my room. "Why does everything always work in your room , first the hot water , now the electricity." "We're swapping rooms." He states "The electric isn't magically working in one room of the house Cole , those lights aren't plugged into the wall , they have batteries in them" I responded. A subtle 'oh' left his mouth and he took himself over to my bed , sitting himself down allowing me to finish my painting.

I was lost in my work , a starry blue sky , buildings and trees scattered the distance and strobes of light from the moon shone on the grassy hill at the bottom of the canvas. A rustling-like sound snapped me out of my focus  and I looked behind me to see Cole pulling clothes out of my suitcase , hanging them on the metal black rail that sat next to my bedside table. I just watched him. He began opening my drawers and placing socks and pyjamas in them , I slightly worried for the moment he was going to pull  bra or a thong out but turned back around and continued adding the finishing touches to my work. "Estelle Rosalie Howard you naughty girl!" Cole exclaimed. I shot around , only to witness Coles face , shocked yet a smirk covering it , a pair of lacy red thongs and a matching sequin covered bra dangling on the tips of his fingers. "Erm , give me those now." I stated. Bad idea Estelle. "Come get them London" he smirked. Cole dashed out of room as soon as I made a move towards him , he began running down the stairs , the pitch black hallways made me scared to run but I was not having that man running frantically around the house with my underwear. I steadied my way across the cluttered landing that covered the middle floor , I could slightly see him waiting in the middle of the next set of stairs and I basciallg charged towards him. The darkness of the small space caused me to slip , almost going flat on my arse down the stairs , I crashed into him , his arms snaking around me. A light glimmered through the window at the bottom of the stairs through the front door and allowed me a better look at him , I felt my belongings tangled in his hands dragging across my back , I urged to take this chance to grab them but honestly I was lost in his eyes. He stared down at me , the small space between us and the two walls beside us allowed every hitch in our breaths to echo asif they were loud bangs. He leaned in and I prepared for him to just give me a compliment and walk off again but he didn't. He leaned in further and it finally happened , he kissed me. It was slow and passionate , like it was something he needed , my arms ran up his chest and made their way around his neck , pulling him further into me. The sound of a car pulling into the driveway caused us to rapidly pull away from each other after the couple of minutes of heat , he took one final glance down at my lips and hurried his way down the stairs , unravelling his arms from my body and shoving my underwear into the top of his waistband , covering the parts showing by pulling his hoodie over them. My breath came back to me and I made my way down the stairs , the door unlocked and the lights switched down , Cole must of turned the generator on. The family piled there way inside the house , some running straight upstairs and others heading to the living room , however I was in desperate need of a glass of water. I was in shock. George walked into the kitchen and apologised for Katherine's strictness on making me stay at home , stating "it was probabaly Coles idea to skip class anyway." I let him know that it was okay and I managed to get some work done whilst they were gone , despite that powercut that had hit the neighbourhood. The cold weather must be starting. Footsteps creeped into the kitchen , it was Cole , I couldn't help but watch his every move. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water , guzzling it down and quickly exitting the room , sending me a sly wink so his dad didn't see.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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