Showers , Waterbottles and Mr Thomas

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I was up late last night thinking about Cole , why is he like this? One minute he's almost kissing me,  the next he's walking away.

I pulled some chocolate brown leggings out of my suitcase , yes I haven't unpacked , I had a hectic day yesterday. To go with the leggings I paired a matching coloured long sleeve t shirt and my deep blue , oversized denim jacket. Me and Cole are sort of matching. Cute. To finish the outfit , I pulled out my white trainers with navy accents , slung my bag over my shoulder and headed downstairs for breakfast. No pineapple today though.

Boys surrounded the second floor , Isaac checking himself out in the full length mirror , Danny trying to see which hairstyle goes best with his beanie , it's summer for godsake. Nathan's running in and out of his room enquiring with Lee which flannel looks best. And Jordan making Benny attend a search party for his vlogging camera so he can take pictures at school. I admired the chaos and homeliness. Katherine had prepared pancakes for the family and I put two on my plate and garnished them with some chocolate syrup and strawberries. Cole strolled through the kitchen door , plaid pyjamas hanging low on his waist , "Mom the hot water isn't working in the middle floor shower" he exclaimed , droplets of water dripping down his shivering body asif to show he'd just been in the cold shower. The water was working fine in my room , weird. Do i say something? I pondered. "Was it working in hours Estelle?" Katherine questioned me. "Yeah , it was" I responded. Cole headed out of the kicthen door , practically running for the working shower. I ate my pancakes , about ten minutes had passed by , shit , i've left my bottle in my room. I hope Coles done.

I made my way into my room after noticing the shower was no longer on , he must've finished , boys don't take long in the shower anyway. I scuttered around my room , searching for my bottle when I was frightened into a jump as my bathroom door burst open. I was currently searching around my desk and a medium sized mirror sat infront of me , I peered into it and there he was , stood behind me staring , towel around his waist and water dripping down his bare body. I felt weird turning around , so i just looked into my mirror praying he couldn't see me through it as I moved my hands , frantically , around my desk to continue looking for my bottle. "Are you just gonna stare at me through the mirror London? or are you gonna turn around and get a better look?" a smirk widened on his face. I awkwardly turn to properly face him , holding back my smile , i scan his glistening body , beaming , as rays of sun shine through the window like a vampire in the light. He chuckles at my admiration and strolls begins to make his way out of my room. "What took you so long anyway?" I ask. "Shaving." he stated bluntly , a smirk on his face implying where and why he'd just shaved. He simply leaves my room and I follow shortly behind him , giving up on the search for my water bottle.

"Is this yours Jackie?" Alex asks as he pulls a pale yellow bottle out of the fridge , filled with icy water and lemons. It was in the fridge that whole time , I forgot I put that there last night. I nod and Alex placed my bottle in my bag. That whole encounter with Cole could've been avoided. Cole came down the stairs , dressed this time , he wore black joggers and a what looked like matching hoodie sending me a smirkish smile as he grabbed his bag off the counter and swung it onto his shoulder , heading to the car. The boys soon followed and so did I. "Can't I get in the front instead of Elle" Isaac whined. I'm getting in the front? what? Cole rolled down the window , he was in the drivers seat "Your the oldest today , Danny has two free periods this morning so he isn't riding with us and i'm driving" Cole said out to me. I walked around to the passenger seat placing my bag in the foot space and climbing in to the car , as soon as I shut the door Cole begins driving. Rush much?

We arrived at school and Erin was practically stood in the parking space waiting for him , Cole quickly rushed out of the car and they were soon tangled around each other , eating each others faces. Alex and I walked straight off , getting to english early as rumours were going around that Mr Willow was off today. Leyla was waiting outside the door and we quickly entered , a young , casual dressed man stat at the front of our class. God this sub is hot. We sat at the back of the class , each on our phones and chatting , Mr Thomas , as i'd earlier discovered his name to be , sat , sprawled out on the spinning chair at the front of the class , clearly unbothered at the unacademic atmosphere surrounding the lesson. I'm suddenly snapped out of my stares as a knock thuds on the door , Cole appears at the door , a bored expression on his face. "Sir i'm coming to work in here" he states. Cole enters and makes his way over to the only people he knows in the class , Alex and I. Leyla was perched next to Alex , a free chair sat next to me and he slung himself into said chair , throwing his bag beside him on the floor. "What are you doing in here Colorado?" I asked. "I've been walking around for ages , i'm not going to science I hate Miss Sellors" he responded . "Well Stella over here is in love with the fine sub at the front , she can't take her eyes off him and you have just snapped her out of her glory" Leyla adds , making Cole aware of my crush on the fine teacher sat at the front of the class. I glance at Cole as she says this , a strange look merged onto his face. Jealous? The teacher was atleast 24 , way too old for me Colorado. Cole stands up , grabbing our bags , implying for me to follow him. "Where are we going?" I ask. "Out of that lesson , it's boring and the teachers useless anyway" he responded.

Me and Cole had just walked around school for abit , the day went on casually and we got home , as we all walked through the door , Katherine pulled Cole and I for a chat. "Why did you two walk out of lesson today?" she questioned. I stayed silent. "We had a sub and he wasn't doing anything , just a young 20 year old with no life" Cole replied , practically lying , it wasn't even his lesson in the first place. "Well we was all meant to be going to a gathering at Monty's tonight , George's friend invited us but I don't think the pair of you deserve it" "Concider yourself lucky your not grounded Cole" Katherine stated firmly. It was a little awakrd that she was punishing me for something I thought was quite minor , however I wasnr affected that i couldn't attend this 'gathering' concidering I was planning on unpacking tonight and getting some artist research done. Katherine dismissed us and we headed upstairs , "He probably only called her about us leaving cause he fancied you" Cole stated , walking off into his bedroom. "Get a grip , he's like 30" I replied , walking off to my room.

Colorado                                         (Cole Walter and Jackie Howard)Where stories live. Discover now